nth.link: Secure Overlap Analysis

An easier and safer way to measure whether data sets overlap

Shereen Shermak
Nth Party, Ltd.
3 min readNov 12, 2020


The problem: You’re talking to a potential partner whose customer list you want to see or compare to your own, because you’d like to know a bit more about what you’re dealing with before you work together. You’re frustrated because you want to collaborate, but don’t want to waste time developing the relationship if your lists overlap too little or too much. And you don’t want to involve, much less pay for, a third party to do this for you.

The solution: use nth.link to compare your lists and analyze the overlap.

Two colleagues using nth.link via their browsers to analyze the overlap between their respective data sets.

Achieve Your #RelationshipGoals, Quickly

You have a new option: nth.link. How often have you wanted to share a list with a partner, but were unable to do so because:

  • the relationship is new and you’re not ready for a discussion of who sends their list to the other side,
  • you want to share information but not overshare by sending the entire list,
  • the information is strategically sensitive, and/or
  • regulations prevent sharing the information in unencrypted form.

Match Your Data While Maintaining Privacy — Even From Your Partner

nth.link offers a quick, easy opportunity to analyze information while it remains encrypted — so you will never see your partner’s data and they will never see yours. The end result you receive will be either statistics about, or a list of, the entries that your data contributions have in common.

Sign up to be among the first to have access to our secure analysis tools — currently available for free

Find out more firsthand. How does it work?

  1. You select the data you’d like to use.
  2. With a few clicks, you encrypt your data and generate a link to send to your partner.
  3. Your partner selects their data just as you did, and then contributes an encrypted version of that data with just one click.
  4. You receive the result: a summary of how much your two data sets overlap.

For Anyone Building Alliances and Strategic Relationships

We have spoken to many types of professionals who want to know if two lists overlap:

  • M&A firms and buyout funds looking to find if the customers they may acquire are net new.
  • Sales teams measuring success at selling against a partner’s list.
  • CMOs who need to know if target customers are on a partner’s list, or if there are likely lookalike customers on the list.
  • Business development leads trying to understand if a partner’s audience is a good fit.

Nth Party’s tools for performing analyses over encrypted data without decrypting it reduce costs and risks while adding to topline opportunities. Sign up for a demo — and get on the list for the beta launch!

To learn more about Nth Party, click here.

