Released nerdctl v1.0

Akihiro Suda
Published in
3 min readOct 23, 2022

After nearly two years of development, nerdctl (contaiNERD CTL) finally reached v1.0.0 🤓 (October 21, 2022) .
A huge thanks to more than 80 contributors, 4,600 stargazers, and an uncountable number of users, for making this possible! 🎉

How it started

I started the nerdctl project in December 2020 to facilitate experimenting eStargz with the same UI/UX as the docker command.

The initial commit was quite useless; it only had 4 commands (build, ps, pull, run) with 6 functional flags.

The initial version only had 4 commands, with 6 functional flags

Since then, lots of commands and flags were implemented very quickly with the help from the community.

The important milestones include:

  • v0.3 (Dec 2020): nerdctl run --publish=<PORT>
  • v0.8 (Apr 2021): nerdctl compose up
  • v0.9 (Jun 2021): nerdctl run --gpus=<GPU>
  • v0.13 (Nov 2021): nerdctl run --platform=<PLATFORM>
  • v0.19 (Apr 2022): nerdctl cp
  • v0.22 (Jul 2022): nerdctl system prune

The current release covers almost all non-swarm commands and flags of the docker CLI, except a few ones like nerdctl diff .

Recent updates

New lazy-pulling snapshotters

While nerdctl was originally written for experimenting the eStargz ( stargz ) snapshotter, nerdctl isn’t solely made for eStargz today. nerdctl supports other lazy-pulling snapshotters too:

The community is also looking forward to experimenting soci snapshotter in the near future.

New logging drivers

In addition to the default json-file driver, several additional logging drivers were contributed from the community:

New network drivers

In addition to the default CNI bridge , the current release also supports macvlan and ipvlan (since v0.17.1). Thanks to Ye Sijun ([@]junnplus) .

Prune commands

Also thanks to Ye Sijun ([@]junnplus) for implementing nerdctl (container|image|volume|network|system) prune commands (v0.22.1).

Experimental suport for bypass4netns

v0.17 added the experimental support for bypass4netns which eliminates the overhead of the rootless networking stack (slirp4netns). The throughput can be 10x-100x faster, depending on the workload and the environment.

Thanks to Naoki Matsumoto ([@]naoki9911) for working on this during our (=NTT) internship program.

Lima joined the CNCF Sandbox

Lima joined the CNCF Sandbox to popularize containerd and nerdctl for Mac users.

The next release of Lima (v0.13) will be released very soon to deliver nerdctl v1.0 to the users.

containerd developers will get together at KubeCon

containerd developers will get together at KubeCon North America (Detroit).

Save the date to attend the containerd session!
Wednesday October 26, 2022 11:00am — 11:35am EDT

The session will cover the updates of the entire containerd project including nerdctl.

NTT is hiring!

We NTT are looking for engineers who work in Open Source communities like containerd/nerdctl and their relevant projects. Visit to see how to join us.

私たちNTTは、containerd/nerdctl などのオープンソースコミュニティで共に活動する仲間を募集しています。ぜひ弊社採用情報ページをご覧ください:

