There’s an amazing shift from chronic care to wellness and prevention

Patients, doctors, payers, and employers are changing the model of value for service and engaging in collaborative preventive care before health problems arise

Danielle Siarri MSN, RN


The world is shifting from chronic care to wellness and prevention. Patients, doctors, payers, and employers are changing the model of value for service and engaging in collaborative preventive care before health problems arise. Society is turning to focus on mental health, wellness and preventive care for all.

Asking relevant questions

Consumers are asking relevant questions from inquiring about food deserts to nutrition. Patients want to manage their own health data and exchange information with their doctors. Nurses are at the forefront of educating patients on the progression of health information technology to public health information. Wellness has taken a broad meaning for everyone but preventive care is a concept that is more…



Danielle Siarri MSN, RN
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