ChatGPT Impact on Blogging, Novels and Journalism

The Impact of Technology on Writers, Bloggers, and Journalists: A Fresh Perspective on Creativity

Master Dude
2 min readFeb 21, 2024


In today’s world, one of the innovations that technology brings to our creative endeavours is artificial intelligence-powered language models. ChatGPT, being one of these technologies, plays a significant role in shaping the writing processes for authors, bloggers, and journalists. Here’s a look at how this technology could have an effect when expressed in a more conversational and blog-like tone:

For Writers: Unveiling New Ideas and Crafting Quick Outlines:

As we navigate through the literary world, there are moments when we crave new sources of inspiration. This is where ChatGPT comes into play. By interacting with the model, we can gain inspiration for new storylines or characters, especially when we feel stuck or need a fresh perspective on the genre or topic we want to write about.

Simultaneously, ChatGPT assists in crafting quick outlines and helps to organize our thoughts swiftly. Utilizing the model to establish the main plot or structure of a story contributes to a more systematic and efficient writing process.


Hello ChatGPT, I am writing a book. It’s about wizards and my protagonist Harry will face his arch nemesis in this episode. I want to give this confrontation a heroic and hopeful atmosphere. Also, maybe you can give some insight into what might happen when Harry meets his nemesis? Do you have any suggestions?


Certainly! For a heroic and hopeful confrontation between Harry and his nemesis, set the scene in a mystical environment under starlit skies, guiding Harry toward a dark fortress with towering walls and gates symbolizing the challenge ahead. Emphasize Harry’s internal strength by infusing him with magic, courage, and hope as he navigates dark corridors. Create a magical room filled with lights and ancient spell books for the confrontation, adding an element of mystery and awe. During the confrontation, have Harry lock eyes with his nemesis, emitting a light of inner strength, suggesting the possibility of reconciliation through understanding rather than pure conflict. Before the battle begins, let Harry propose ending their enmity for a greater purpose, introducing a hopeful and unexpected twist. These elements can make the scene both heroic and hopeful, leaving a lasting impact on your readers.”

Enhancing Language and Writing Skills:

Every writer aims to improve their language and writing skills. ChatGPT guides us in this aspect with corrections and suggestions. The feedback provided by the model enhances the fluency and effectiveness of our writings.


Hello ChatGPT, I’m writing a short story. My story is a thriller-science fiction about someone who travels through time. Here is a sentence from… This article was originally published on Nuance. Read more on Nuance:

