Nuance Release Notes

Rhiannon Thomas
Published in
2 min readMar 6, 2024

The Aikin development team has released the latest deploy of Nuance, bringing a host of improvements and some new features to Nuance users.

The Aikin development team has released the latest deploy of Nuance, bringing a host of improvements and some new features to Nuance users. Let’s delve into the key highlights of this release that aim to elevate your experience on the DAO governed publishing platform.

1. New UI for searching articles/users/publications

  • You can now find the publications, users or articles with an enhanced UI/UX.

2. Social links for users and publications

  • Users can now add social links, previously this was publication specific.
  • Now both users and publications can display social links on their respective profile pages/publications.

3. Updated SEO keywords and backlink articles for homepage, user profile, publication profile and article screens.

  • To improve SEO ranking, we’ve included tags as keywords, as well as some nuance specific short and long tail keywords.
  • We’ve added articles to many screens that were previously a dead end for crawlers to increase the discoverability of content and pages.

4. Login/logout persisting between tabs in a browser for multiple accounts.

  • In some cases, users with multiple accounts could log into one account from another tab, and would have inconsistent results when switching tabs. Now when a users logs in or logs out, it is consistent across all tabs.

5. An updated sitemap.

  • Adding a new sitemap to the frontend canister regularly helps improve crawler discovery of articles.

Nuance continues to evolve, making improvements to both the writer and reader experience. Share you’re thoughts about the latest release and get involved in shaping the future of Nuance by joining our OpenChat community.

Read this article on Nuance:

