Dear reader,

Lucas F Aguiar
Nuclear Diary
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1 min readNov 8, 2016

This is a new publication in the internet called Nuclear Beiff.

It has been a long time since I had sort of a blog in the internet. Since then, the internet has changed and now the power has shifted greatly in technology and in politics.

I find myself being propelled to finally come and put my texts and texts of others that can do some service to the greater part of the population who is being lied to by the corporate media.

For now, the only writer is me and I hope that this project could eventually bring other writers that have similar views to contribute and eventually enrich this publication.

On the eve of the US Presidential Election of 2016, where the American public will decide between Donald Trump or Hillary as the President of the United States. This is an election that means a lot not only for the Americans but also for the world, because as the greatest economy and miliary power whatever happens there has effect in various parts of the globe.

I hope that this is the beginning of a wonderful experience for me and for the readers of Nuclear Beiff.

Lucas Fernandes Aguiar

November 8, 2016.

