AI vs ML vs DL vs Data Science

Brijesh Singh
Published in
5 min readMar 13, 2023
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There is so much confusion around this basic concept. Often people ask me what is the real difference between these terms Al vs ML vs DL vs Data Science.

Each term has a very significant meaning. But understanding the core difference will take a lot of effort to absorb the difference. I can simply write definitions for all these terms let’s check this out. But does this enough to understand the magic behind this black box?

People struggle to find the right article. Which can easily explain the real value and the core value proposition of this wonderful technology. Sometimes I and my friends talk about what would the real use of this technology. And how people directly get the benefit. Because at the end of the day. If technology is not solving the real issue or helping them not to grow the way they wanted to grow. I think it would be an injustice to all of them.

Artifical Inteligence (AI)


A bunch of scientists at IBM founded the field of artificial intelligence as an academic discipline in 1956. Yes, This is not a new technology. This is a very old concept. But if you see the history of how people came arrived at this concept. and who those people are? So to answer that question. A variety of handful scientists from different fields of study thought about creating an artificial brain. It may surprise you to hear that the group of scientists who founded the field of artificial intelligence as an academic discipline in 1956 came from diverse fields such as mathematics, psychology, engineering, economics, and political science.

Sound interesting right? I always believe The origin of all discovery in technology come from only one source, Philosophy.

About (AI)

The core analogy of this field is to mimic the human brain. We write a program in the AI field that simulates human intelligence into a machine and programs it to think and behave like humans. This field involved developing algorithms, which analyzes data and perform human-like action.

For example, understanding natural language like a human, and recognizing images to understand the things inside the image.

Find the object from this image. This image is illustrating object where AI can classify.

If I asked you from this image, how many objects are in this and what are that objects? So you can easily identify with your bare eye. because you know these objects before. How Cats and Dogs look alike.

But by asking the same question to the machine you need to feed some intelligence into the machine so that it can identify these objects. in order to make a machine talk like a human and the process which involves making a machine talk comes under the artificial intelligent domain.

There are other examples like an application that can give question answers like IBM Watson. decision-making system which can take marking budget decisions. where to spend and where not to spend. and the list goes on and on. I will cover this in some other blog where I will only discuss AI.

Machine Learning (ML)


The term Machine learning was getting popular in 1959, and all credit goes to Arthur Samuel. According to him,

Machine learning is one way to use AI. It was defined in the 1950s by AI pioneer Arthur Samuel as

“the field of study that gives computers the ability to learn without explicitly being programmed.”

— Arthur Samuel

The 80s and 90s were the phases when machine learning came into the mainstream. And people started recognizing separate as a separate field. In the early day Machine learning was focusing on solving AI problems but after 1990. The focus shifted toward Statistical models, fuzzy logic, and probability theory.

The difference between AI and ML is frequently misunderstood. People had a mindset that Machine learning learns and predicts based on passive learning or you can say learning from past history of data. And AI (Artificial intelligence) uses an agent to interact with the environment to learn and take action to maximize its chance of success. We know this technique as Reinforcement learning. I just introduce jargon keywords which we will see in another blog.

Now from the 2020 era, many people started asserting that Machin learning is a subfield of AI. And others still have a view that only an “intelligent subset” of ML should be considered AI.

About (ML)

Now let’s define the term ML (Machine learning). The method or the model we use to train the AI system with a training algorithm to learn from data. Without writing an explicit program for that particular work.

In other words, we can say Machine Learning is a subfield of AI. Where ML algorithms can learn from data to improve the accuracy and performance of AI systems.

How ML is defining the boundary in AI

ML is a subset of AI is a very loose term. If we say Machine Learning is a subfield of AI through which we can train algorithms to do AI work. In layman’s terms, ML has a method also called an algorithm to make AI systems more powerful.

Because based on this method we can put human intelligence into machines. And Machine learning technique is the way to create a human intelligence system or AI system.

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Additional Reading

OK, that’s it, we are done now. If you have any questions or suggestions, please feel free to comment. I’ll come up with more Machine Learning and Data Engineering topics soon. Please also comment and subs if you like my work any suggestions are welcome and appreciated.



Brijesh Singh

Working at @Informatica. Master in Machine Learning & Artificial Intelligence (AI) from @LJMU. Love to work on AI research and application. (1+2+3+…~ = -1/12)