Community Update #1

First few weeks of 2018

3 min readMay 11, 2018


At NuCypher we’re so excited to share with you our recent updates, growth, questions, & content

Developer Updates

Our engineering team has been hard at work building out the NuCypher protocol. For detailed technical discussions join our Slack or follow along on GitHub, but here are the highlights:

  • Moving from academic reference implementation to engineering a hardened and functional scheme
  • Side channel resistance added in
  • Built a miniature framework on top of OpenSSL and to assist us in building Umbral. You can see some of our work in and
  • Secure erasing of memory when private keys are used in OpenSSL. When this release goes out, we will do the same to Umbral
  • Implemented our challenge protocol into the schema itself! This allows nodes to validate and prove that they are doing their job correctly which is a huge step for increasing the security of the NuCypher KMS network

Upcoming Changes

  • Separating out encryption/decryption/re-encryption code based on how it’s used on the network. This will increase readability and audibility of the code
  • Operations changes — we’re going to update the “mini framework” to use more proper academic notation for enhanced readability
  • Improved and more standardized serialization
  • Various readability changes
  • Security hardening

NuCypher & WCEF 2018

NuCypher recently spoke at and sponsored The World Crypto Economic Forums 2018 event. We had 10 teams dedicate their 24hrs to build on NuCyphers KMS and thank you to all that participated.

And the NuCypher winners are:
1. dGDPR — Healthcare data sharing in GDPR compliant way — 5 ETH
2. Crypto Collectibles — Sharing of erc-271 non-fungible tokens — 4 ETH
3 (two third prizes). NuCypher Bridge — cross-cloud storage for consumers; Sugar Score — decentralized credit scores — 3 ETH each


Michael Egorov, NuCyphers Co-Founder and CTO, recently did an interview for YouTube Channel, ICO Drops, managing our support for the Russian crypto community.

View Here

Real World Crypto

NuCypher Engineer, John Pacific, represented at the Real World Crypto conference in Zurich, Switzerland, January 10–12, 2018. NuCypher presented first during the lighting talks of participants!

View Here

NuCypher upcoming events

THE COIN, Japan — Jan 18–20
Smart Contract Tokyo Meetup — Jan 20
Stanford BPASE — Jan 26
Blockchain Connect — Jan 26
Silicon Valley Ethereum Meetup — Feb 4
Stanford Blockchain Session — Feb 5
Tech Startup Fest — Feb 8
ETH Denver — Feb 16–18
Oakland Ethereum Meetup — Feb 22
Berkeley Ethereum Meetup — Feb 26

As our community grows so does the number of questions. To simplify things we made an FAQ. Feel free to share with your network of Crypto enthusiasts. FAQ

