Community Update 13 — The first glimpse of Testnet…

Ryan Caruso
Published in
3 min readNov 14, 2018

Ahoj! (At DevCon, we learned that’s Czech for hello.) Here is a recap for the past few weeks:

- We started our EU homecoming in Berlin where we had a fantastic time meeting new people and seeing familiar faces at Web3 Summit.

- We stayed around Berlin as we prepared for Devcon and worked night and day on Testnet.

- Rolled into Prague via train and attended Devcon 4 while hosting nightly meetups where we shared an internal version of our upcoming testnet.

At Web 3 in Berlin, we held a workshop on Privacy-Preserving Data Manipulation in Decentralized Systems. Presented by Arjun Hassard & Michael Egorov
Justin Myles Holmes drops the internal version of the NuCypher Testnet in front of a crowd in Prague.

Thanks to projects Fluence, Swarm, Livepeer, and all of the attendees who gave their personal time to attend this memorable meetup with us.

Justin Myles second demo of the internal NuCypher testnet post Devcon at “Building the Free Web” meetup. It wouldn’t be a Justin Myles demo unless there were musical introductions and interludes.
Arjun represents NuCypher during the Generalised Mining and Staking meet up with Livepeer and Maker DAO.

Why we’re rolling our own “intra-planetary” node discovery, a Justin Myles thought piece…

Nearly all of my casual conversations about decentralized network architecture for the past three months or so have quickly come to be (at least partly) a discussion about node discovery…


At NuCypher, we don’t pay for marketing, shilling, referral bounties, or any types of offside strategies to achieve growth.

We do however support hackathons. We believe the best users of NuCypher are out there and will dream up the best use cases of the product.

We have a number of hackathons coming up!

Serial Hacking это:

  • Возможность получить потенциальные инвестиции на развитие вашего собственного проекта.
  • Возможность устроиться в ведущие мировые IT компании.
  • Огромная аккумуляция инвесторов, спонсоров, экспертов, лидеров и единомышленников в одном месте!
  • Оплачиваемый тур в Гонконг для лучших команд и участников хакатонов
  • Билет в международный клуб блокчейн разработчиков.

Congratulations to Ivan Fedorov for winning October’s Crypto Bazar hackathon with his Electronic Health dApp, Health Vector. Try it out here.

Future of Blockchain

  • The Future of Blockchain (FoB) is a 3 month competition designed for those studying, researching or working at the universities of Oxford, Cambridge, Imperial, LSE, UCL and KCL.
  • It starts in late November 2018 and ends with a finale at Oxford in late March 2019.
  • The structure of the competition is that university participants have 3 months to build whatever they like involving blockchain.

ETH Singapore — December 7 to 9, Singapore

  • ETHSingapore is the ASEAN’s largest Ethereum hackathon, where developers of all backgrounds will work on projects using Ethereum that can have an impact on the world. They enable teams to make something great in only 30 hours by providing an abundance of hacking resources like mentors, sponsors, and software.
  • Anyone from anywhere in the world can apply. Applications are based on interest in Ethereum and proven ability to write software.
  • Admission to ETHSingapore is completely free.
  • Talks will be focused on Ethereum development such as using Solidity, state channels, testnets, and other such topics. Schedule to be announced soon.

Upcoming Events

NODE Tokyo — November 19 and 20, Tokyo, Japan

BUIDL Seoul — November 29 and 30, Seoul, Korea

Asiacrypt2018 — December 2 to 6, Brisbane, Australia

ETH Singapore — December 7 to 9, Singapore​

Hyper Ledger Global Forum — December 12 to 15, Basel, Switzerland

