NuCypher KMS 白皮书 中文

Arjun Hassard
Published in
1 min readFeb 3, 2018

NuCypher’s White Paper is now available in Mandarin

We’re thrilled to publish our first translation of the NuCypher KMS: Decentralised key management system white paper. Increasing the geographic distribution of our proxies (nodes) benefits all NuCypher users, from a redundancy and security perspective. Providing our primary technical paper in multiple languages is one way to encourage a more diverse group of participants to join our network — expect to see more translations over the coming months, and feel free to comment with a language you would like to see.

You can get the pdf from our GitHub. If you’re on the fence about downloading it, and, importantly, speak Mandarin — do read the translated
abstract below as a sample:

NuCypher KMS 白皮书 中文

(Dated: 一月四号, 2018)

NuCypher KMS 是一个分布式密钥管理系统 (KMS),它解决了使用共识网络安全存储,操作私有 加密数据的痛点 [1]。它利用代理重加密技术,使用分布式网络,提供基于加密和密码学的权限控制 [2]。不像中心化的 KMS 提供的服务,它不需要信任服务提供商。NuCypher KMS 使共享敏感数据给 去中心化和中性化的应用程序成为可能,为从医疗到 ID 管理到分布式内容市场的众多应用程序提供 安全架构。NuCypher KMS 会成为分布式应用程序必要的一部分,就像 SSL/TLS 是每个安全的网络 应用程序必要的一部分一样。



Arjun Hassard

product @nucypher p. @factmata @syndicateroom | host of entropy radio | decentralization, anti-misinformation, NLP, edtech & roadman ting