7 Incredible, Lesser-Known LGBTQ+ Organizations To Donate To For Pride 2017

There’s still a long way to go to equality.

Kristina marusic
Nudge for Change


The Supreme Court’s marriage equality decision in 2015 was historic, but America’s LGBT community still has a long way to go before reaching full equality — especially now that Donald Trump has begun rolling back what few federal protections the LGBT community had attained.

Here are seven LGBT organizations that get less press coverage than some of the big names in town, but will use your heard-earned contributions to make a huge difference for the community:

1. The Trans Relief Project

The Trans Relief Project provides information and monetary assistance to transgender people trying to obtain a U.S. passport with their correct name and gender.

This process was made easier by the outgoing Obama administration, but that could be changed by the Trump administration at any moment, so they’re working to help as many people as possible get their passports corrected quickly.

2. InterAct

The intersex community falls under the LGBTQIA+ umbrella (that’s them there in the “I”), but intersex advocacy groups receive far fewer financial contributions than the communities represented by most other letters in the acronym.

InterAct serves as a powerful advocate for the rights of intersex youth. They work to raise awareness about what it means to be intersex, provide support to young intersex activists, and promote laws and policies that protect intersex children from harm.

3. BiNet USA

The bisexual community faces a range of unique health disparities — bisexuals tend to be sicker, overall, than either their straight or gay and lesbian counterparts. And even though the “B”s in LGBT represent more than half of the LGB community in the U.S (and 25% of transgender Americans identify as bisexual), just 0.3% of grants for LGBT issues go specifically toward the bisexual community.

BiNet USA is one of the oldest and largest organizations advocating on behalf of the bi community through awareness-raising, community support, and the promotion of laws and policies that can help strengthen and protect the bisexual community.

4. Family Equality Council

The Family Equality Council helps to “connect, support, and represent the three million parents who are lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer in the U.S., and their six million children.”

They’ve been around for over 30 years, and their efforts include providing LGBT parents with information on adopting, conceiving, and fostering kids; implementing bullying prevention programs in schools; advocating for improved legal protections for LGBT families, and a whole lot more.

5. Transgender Law Center

The Transgender Law Center works to “change law, policy, and attitudes so that all people can live safely, authentically, and free from discrimination regardless of their gender identity or expression.”

They frequently represent transgender clients in landmark court cases that are helping to pave the way for trans equality in America.

6. Sage

Sage is the largest and oldest organization in the U.S. dedicated to improving the lives of aging LGBT adults.

They offer support services and resources for older LGBT adults and their caregivers, advocate for public policy changes that address the needs of LGBT elders, and provide training for aging providers and LGBT organizations through their National Resource Center on LGBT Aging.

7. American Veterans for Equal Rights

American Veterans for Equal Rights is one of the oldest and largest chapter- LGBT Veterans Service Organizations in the country. They advocate for full and equal rights and benefits for present and former LGBT members of the U.S. armed forces, and chapters throughout the country provide support to LGBT veterans.

We created the Nudge for Change app to make it easier than ever to put your money where your beliefs are when it comes to issues like LGBT equality.

The app will alert you if you’re about to spend your hard-earned cash in a way that doesn’t align with your core values, and nudge you toward nearby alternatives you can feel good about supporting. It’s like having a backup for your moral compass on your phone.

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