Aaron Hayes
Nudge for Change
Published in
2 min readMar 19, 2017


Fake news, random claims, and nonexistent sources seem to be the new normal. Antidote, please.

Focusing on the amazing organizations intent on setting things right makes me feel that there is hope. Organizations like the Human Rights Campaign. You might not know their name, but you’ve probably seen their blue and yellow equality stickers all over the place. Maybe you posted the red and pink version of their equal sign for your profile pic when Prop 8 was in the headlines. HRC’s work is powerful because it matters — now more than ever before.

When we decided to create Nudge for Change, our goal was to reveal what companies were doing behind the scenes with our hard-earned cash. No easy task, but possible with lots of data from credible sources like HRC who work hard to get it right.

Did you know that HRC has an annual Corporate Equality Index for scoring companies on their treatment of LBGTQ employees and consumers?

Nudge uses HRC scores as one indicator for whether or not businesses are supportive of the LGBTQ community, peeling away the PR spin from the actions that really matter. Our app will alert you if the store you are about to enter doesn’t offer benefits to same sex partners, for instance, and we can do that because HRC has done the research. Go check them out at http://www.hrc.org/, then sign up for the Nudge for Change beta at www.nudgeforchange.com to find out how your favorite businesses are scoring with the HRC.

Sources matter. The truth matters. And change matters.

Nudge for Change is available for iOS now, and coming soon for Android.

