Welcome to Nudge for Change

Nudge for Change puts your moral compass in your pocket.

Aaron Hayes
Nudge for Change


What if, with no effort, you knew what businesses were doing behind your back before you gave them your cash? There are boycott lists left and right (pun intended), but who has time to remember them all?

I’m proud to announce our new app, Nudge for Change.

Nudge for Change helps people match their actions to their moral compass in real time, making it super easy to stay true to your core values as you make everyday purchases. We also hope to nudge businesses to become better citizens so they can improve their rankings and keep their customers happy. Then, the world will become a slightly better place.

Nudge for Change after the 2016 presidential election. We know people are going to get exhausted from constantly being vigilant. With Nudge for Change, we hope to give people one super easy thing to do to help: You can put this app in your pocket and feel confident that you’re spending your money in a way that aligns with your most deeply-held values. And you can rest assured that you’ll never, ever accidentally give Donald Trump any of your money.

Nudge for Change is available for iOS now. Our Android version is coming soon.

Thank you,

Aaron Hayes, CEO, Nudge for Change

