Behavioral Segmentation: Tailoring Products to User Mindsets

Unlocking User Insights: A Deep Dive into Behavioral Segmentation and its Impact on Product Management

Blake Bassett
Nudge Notes
3 min readSep 23, 2023


Grapefruit slice atop a pile of other slices

Unraveling the Power of Behavioral Segmentation

Understanding users’ behaviors and motivations is pivotal. Beyond demographic segmentation lies a more insightful perspective — behavioral segmentation. It empowers us to delve deeper into our user’s habits, their usage patterns, preferences and decision-making processes. But what does it truly mean to segment users based on behavior? And how can we leverage this concept to create products that resonate with their needs?

The Genesis of Behavioral Segmentation

Alex Pentland in his book ‘Social Physics,’ promotes the idea that “Behavioral data are like a form of communication.” Essentially, every action taken by a user leaves a trail providing insight into who they are and what drives them. This understanding forms the foundation for behavioral segmentation.

Unlike traditional market segments which group users based on demographics or psychographics, behavioral segments focus on understanding how different groups behave when interacting with your product or service. By studying these actions — from common features used to purchase patterns — we gain an intimate understanding of our users’ mindsets and can tailor our offerings accordingly.

Taking Cues from Real-world Implementations

At Tubi, we have harnessed this approach within our streaming service platform by tracking viewing habits such as genre preference or time spent watching movies versus series — and using these insights to personalize recommendations for each viewer profile.

Beyond entertainment services, companies like Amazon have leveraged behavioral segmentation brilliantly. By tracking purchasing behavior over time — what items customers buy together frequently — they offer personalized recommendations: another prime example of tailoring products according to customer’s mindsets.

Evolving Products through User Mindsets

Incorporating behavioral design elements into your product isn’t just about understanding your user’s actions — it’s about evolving with them. As their behaviors change over time due to external influences or personal growth, our products need to adapt accordingly. This creates an ongoing relationship between the product and its users, where both parties learn and grow together.

Embracing a Behavioral Segmentation Framework

To successfully implement behavioral segmentation into your product design process, consider these steps:

  1. Identify Key Behaviors: Analyze usage data to identify key behavior patterns among users of your product or service.
  2. Create Behavior-based Segments: Group users based on shared behavioral characteristics that connect with the intention behind those behaviors.
  3. Hypothesize User Needs: Based on identified patterns and segments, hypothesize about what each group might need or want from your product.
  4. Experiment and Validate: Test new features or changes aimed at meeting the needs of each segment and measure their impact through A/B testing or other methods. Validate if they enhance user experience as expected for each segment.

A Beacon Towards Better Products

In his book ‘Hooked,’ Nir Eyal posits that “Our habits are modern-day solutions to ancient desires.” By adopting a behavioral segmentation approach in design, we are better able to align our products with these habits — making them not just functional but also emotionally resonant for our users. Whether it is creating personalized shopping experiences like Amazon or tailored streaming recommendations like Tubi, when we focus on understanding mindsets rather than demographics alone, we create better connections between our products and those who use them.

In essence, by embracing behavioral segmentation in its full potentiality — we can truly begin tailoring products according to user mindsets, thereby transforming products from mere utilities to companions in their journey — guiding them gracefully towards their goals.


Behavioral segmentation offers a powerful lens through which we can understand our users. By focusing on the actions they take and why they take them, we can create more personalized experiences that enhance their interaction with our products. As we venture further into this era of customization, adopting such an approach is not just advantageous — it is essential.



Blake Bassett
Nudge Notes

Director of Product at Tubi. Interested in product development, leadership, strategy, and entrepreneurship in tech.