The Peak-End Rule: Crafting Memorable User Experiences

Discover how the Peak-End Rule, a principle in behavioral economics that suggests people remember experiences based on their most intense point and their end, can be utilized in UX design to create memorable user experiences, enhance user satisfaction, and foster brand loyalty.

Blake Bassett
Nudge Notes
3 min readSep 23, 2023


Grapefruit slice atop a pile of other slices

Understanding the Peak-End Rule

In the realm of behavioral economics, one principle stands out for its unique capacity to shape how we remember experiences: the Peak-End Rule. Coined by Nobel laureate Daniel Kahneman and his collaborator Barbara Fredrickson, this rule posits that people recall an experience based on how they felt at its most intense point (the peak) and at its end, rather than the average of every moment.

This may seem counter-intuitive. After all, wouldn’t it make more sense if our memories were a fair representation of our entire experience? Yet research consistently affirms this rule’s accuracy in predicting memory formation. But why is understanding this important? And how can it be utilized to craft memorable user experiences?

The Science Behind The Peak-End Rule

Kahneman’s groundbreaking studies into human memory and decision-making have revealed some fascinating insights about our cognitive processes. He discovered that we have two selves: the ‘experiencing self’ who lives in the present moment, and the ‘remembering self’ who keeps score and makes decisions.

The interesting twist is that these two selves often disagree on what constitutes a good experience. The ‘experiencing self’ might favor a shorter vacation packed with fun activities while your ‘remembering self’, influenced by the Peak-End Rule, would prefer a longer vacation with more relaxing moments towards the end.

Implications for User Experience Design

This dichotomy between our experiencing self and remembering self has profound implications for user experience (UX) design. It suggests that designing products or services should not merely focus on providing consistently positive experiences throughout but also pay special attention to creating highly pleasurable peaks and ensuring a satisfying ending.

Crafting Memorable Peaks

Creating memorable peaks involves delivering moments of delight that exceed user expectations. These can be small surprises that add value or significant milestones that users accomplish.

Consider the video game industry, where players often recall epic boss battles or unexpected plot twists as highlights. These are carefully designed peak experiences embedded in the gameplay to make it more memorable and enjoyable.

Ending on a High Note

The end of an experience plays a critical role in how it is remembered. This doesn’t necessarily mean every product interaction needs to culminate in fireworks; rather, it suggests the importance of leaving users with a positive lasting impression.

A great example of this is Duolingo, the language-learning app. After completing a lesson, users are met with enthusiastic congratulations and virtual rewards celebrating their achievement. This creates a satisfying end experience that leaves learners eager for their next session.

Incorporating The Peak-End Rule into Your Design Strategy

To leverage this principle effectively, you need to integrate it into your UX design strategy thoughtfully:

1) Identify Potential Peaks:

Analyze your user journey maps and identify opportunities for creating peak moments. Think about what would genuinely delight your users at those points — could there be an unexpected feature reveal? An accomplishment badge?

2) Make Ends Memorable:

Carefully consider how each interaction ends — does it leave users feeling accomplished? Satisfied? If not, consider ways you might enhance these endings: perhaps through positive feedback messages or by providing clear next steps so they feel progress has been made.

3) Test and Iterate:

This process requires continuous testing and iteration based on user feedback to ensure that these peaks and ends are genuinely enhancing the user experience.

Conclusion: The Power of The Peak-End Rule

The Peak-End Rule is a powerful tool in the behavioral designer’s arsenal. By understanding how our memories are formed and what influences them, we can design experiences that stick in users’ minds long after they’ve happened. This not only enhances user satisfaction but also fosters brand loyalty — a win-win situation for both users and businesses.

As an ever-evolving field, UX design requires constant learning and exploration. As Kahneman himself put it, “Nothing in life is as important as you think it is while you’re thinking about it”. So let’s keep exploring, questioning, testing — because there’s always more to learn about creating truly memorable experiences.



Blake Bassett
Nudge Notes

Director of Product at Tubi. Interested in product development, leadership, strategy, and entrepreneurship in tech.