The Secret to Peace of Mind I’m Dying to Share with You

Segun fatokun
Nudging Whispers
Published in
3 min readMay 11, 2021
Photo by Joey Nicotra on Unsplash

The last couple of days have been very overwhelming for me. I am coming into my strides as a man, and I’ve been unknowingly trying to do everything at once which is obviously an impossible feat and has led to my gist for today.

I had written a piece earlier, but it didn’t come together. And the reason is simple; my brain has been trying to process the numerous things I am trying to achieve this year. I don’t want to shout this year is my year again without making any real change.
But maybe I have been pushing too hard, and I’ll tell you where this has led me to…well, from what I’ve experienced, it only led me to worry, anxiety, depression, and every type of mental stress you can imagine.
But don’t fret. I am currently in a better headspace.
That’s why I am writing this also to help you find peace.

I mentioned my earlier piece was a mess, so I confided in my friend and co-writer Tope. And after giving her all the reasons I stressed about, she showed me a piece she wrote a while back. And it came with the clarity and peace of mind that I needed to write this.

Before I go into it, it would be nice to know about your well-being. I need to know that you and yours are keeping safe in the peak of the nation’s insecurities. and I pray and hope you won’t have cause to crowdfund ransom or even have such worries at all.
There will be no NW without every one of you.
That’s why we keep sending love and light to you through our various mediums.

What is this secret I’ve been hoarding from you?
Well, it is all about the principle of time and seasons. I know you’ve heard this so many times, but still, there is a time for everything.

Yes, you might have found purpose and a worthy cause to pursue with all of you. However, if the timing isn’t right, it won’t work out well. And that can be intensely frustrating.

There is a reason crops are easier to get when it is their season. It simply is because even mother nature understands the principle of time and seasons. So naturally, there is a particular climate or weather that aids growth for different crops. For humans, time and seasons equally enable our growth process.

I don’t know what project, contract, or business you are currently trying to execute; or that job opportunity you are praying happens soon. Whatever the case may be, if it doesn’t go well, don’t beat yourself up.

It is just not the time or the season for it.

So, take a moment to breathe,
Seek advice from others,
Go over your plans again, and re-strategize.
Look at other engagements and get your mind off that one for a while.

It will be good for you and your mental health.

Whatever you do, do not let external factors you cannot control change the state of your mind. It will all come together in its time.

Somebody once told me that “until you understand time and season in life, you will constantly be worried about things that are out of your control.”
Your perspective about the world would change when you constantly see life through this principle. It might seem like a regular thing to hear or read about, but really think about it and let it sink.

This short but timely advice changed my view on my struggles and brought peace of mind to a troubled soul.

So, I am no more choking, no more restriction of my airflow, and when Davido dares to shout “who they breet?” my voice will be louder than his when I reply.

Shout out to Tope and find you a friend you can confide in when the chips are down.

On that note, I’ll leave you with this anonymous quote that says

“Timing is everything if it is meant to happen, it will, at the right time and for the right reason.”

I remain your advocate for everything soft.




Segun fatokun
Nudging Whispers

lawyer, budding writer, mental health advocate, truthfully I just started writing to get away