Chasing the Sugar

Are you, too, chasing the sugar?

Ben Walker
Nuevo Fisica
2 min readMay 9, 2023


It’s taken me thirty years to realize that I’ve been after the wrong things. I’ve been chasing the quick hits, the things that light up the lizard brain and make the dopamine drip drip drip. I’ve been chasing the sugar.

It’s so easy to be distracted by the sugars of our world. Maybe it’s videogames. Maybe it’s porn. Perhaps it’s the slow attention-death of your social media feed. Maybe its the types of social connections we seek.

It might be actual saccharidinous sugar, promising such splendour but ultimately never delivering. Always leaving us wanting.

Our lives are riddled with these false prophets.

But the beauty of life isn’t in the sugars, it’s in the normal little corners of the world, the mundane. Passing conversations. Springtime tree blossoms. Cherished moments with friends. Misbehaving dogs. Dappled forest light and orchestras of birdsong.

Life simply being itself.

These are the things that bring joy, happiness and peace. These are the things that deserve our attention, and we’d be wise to pursue.

What are your sugars?

If I cared, I’d ask you to write it in the comments. Maybe you will anyway. Either way, I dare you right now to identify your own sugars and call yourself out. Give them nowhere to hide and make it known.

Stop chasing the sugar. Start enjoying life.

I’d welcome hearing your thoughts via IG (@bee.dub.move) or by email.



Ben Walker
Nuevo Fisica

Health, Fitness & Movement practitioner, Absolute geek ¦ Holla for personalised health & fitness plans. X: @bw_beedub