Using Olympic Rings to Build Next Level Strength

The gymnast’s best tool for upper body training

Ben Walker
Nuevo Fisica


Man in support hold on gymnastics rings
Photo by Victor Freitas from Pexels

When it comes to building strength & muscle, it’s difficult for bodyweight training to compete with weightlifting for results. How can we possibly maximise muscle tissue growth without heavy resistance?

That’s where olympic gymnastic rings come in.

During the last Olympic games, I was once in a busy bar with a single TV tucked in the corner. As the male gymnastic ring routines started, the place quickly got quiet. Every head in the bar had turned to watch these athletes. The men wanted to be them and the women wanted to be with them.

We all know that the physiques of gymnasts are unrivalled. But what’s their secret weapon?


Any one of us can use this versatile bit of kit to become strong, skilled and jacked. Grip strength (and forearms) will balloon. Shoulders will become bulletproof. Mastery over our own bodies becomes inevitable. All we need is a pair of rings and a spot to hang them from (I like to use trees, but any strong bar works).

The Promise

The beauty of the rings is that their unstable nature makes even the most mundane movement difficult. They will rotate in place, and move around…



Ben Walker
Nuevo Fisica

Health, Fitness & Movement practitioner, Absolute geek ¦ Holla for personalised health & fitness plans. X: @bw_beedub