Museum of Memories

Sandesh Ps
Nuggets of Life


Down the memory lane,
Deeper and deeper I go,

Why I was like that earlier?
Why my self was like that at that point in time?
Feeling the immersing pain of knife to my soul,
Who was the villain?

One of the multitude self,
Who was killing me slowly,
Who was dominant,
Bringing me to the hibernation mode

I reincarnate with a different self,
With my previous self dead,
Now a different self to the forefront

Accidently visit the museum of memories,
I see a memory, can’t believe with my new self,
The new self, longing to savor that memory,
Tries to kill the existing self

Which brings new self,
Which goes to a new museum of memories,
Keeps killing the selves.

Feeling an immersing pain now,
I can see a self is killing me,
The self who is writing this.


