
Published in
7 min readSep 9, 2020

As extracted from the principle of concentration class taught by Processional Alfred…




A little intro..

My name is Alfred Joseph aka Poet4Christ.

An Educator, Writer, Coach, Poet, Content Creator and Certified Copywriter.

That would be all for now.

So, what’s concentration?

Concentration is defined as the action or power of focusing all one’s attention.

It’s the ability to think carefully about something you are doing and NOTHING else.

Concentration is a thing of the mind.

When we talk about CONCENTRATION, another word that comes to mind is FOCUS!

The Human Mind, what about it?


The mind can both be our creator and as well, our distractor.

Unless we stand at the controls and point it in the direction of our goals and focus and *concentrate* — things just do not get done.


The Law of Concentration:

States that

“Every action we do contributes to the whole.

Law of Focus

The Law of Focus:

States that:

You cannot think of two things at the same time.

It also states that:

Wherever you are, Be THERE!

The only thing WE have total and complete control over is…


Let’s look at


We cannot deny the fact that Distractions abound all around us.

Our ability to stay focused is a critical factor in determining our success or failure.

*FOCUS* is the key to getting things done.

To stay focused at work by managing distraction, drawing healthy boundaries, and eliminating opportunities for procrastination:

We need to do the following:

1. Look Within You.

Distractions can be internal as well as external, so start by looking within.

Are you all over the place?

Always ask yourself what’s really going on.

2. Find the external cause.

Once you have your internal priorities sorted out, look at more external causes.

To fix any effect, you need to identify the cause.

3. Plan Ahead.

All successful leaders are great planners; they make lists for every major and minor objective.

When a task comes your way, spend some time thinking about how you will accomplish it.

Write down every step necessary from start to finish, with a timeline.

There is a saying that every 10 minutes you spend on planning saves an hour in execution.

4. Go Offline & Stay Offline Until Your Task is Accomplished.

Some of the biggest sources of distraction come from *social media, and cell phones.*

We know all those platforms

If you want real FOCUS, take yourself offline until you’ve accomplished what you need to do.

5. Give Yourself Some Rest Time.

One of the keys to doing great work is to know when to take a break.

When you start to feel distracted, take a break, and then reassess and refocus yourself.

It doesn’t just act as a reward.

A short break can help your mind become clearer.

6. Tune it out.

One of the best ways to tune everything out is to tune in to music.

When everything around you is distracting, put on your headphones.

Find something that can serve as background music rather than music that holds your full attention.

Music can help you concentrate.

Not any kind of music though. 😋

7. Break Large Task into Bits.

It’s important, whenever distractions seem to be high, to make tasks smaller by breaking down large projects into smaller tasks.

This will help you concentrate and give you a sense of accomplishment and progress.

9. Set a Reasonable DEADLINE.

If you’re working on a complex task,

It takes an average of 90 minutes to accomplish anything worthwhile and about 30 minutes just to get your mind on the task.

Once you are in the flow, set a concentrated period of time and when the time runs ouSTOSTOP‼️

It’s easier to stay FOCUSED when you have an end in sight.

The distractions that surround us aren’t going anywhere, so learning to overcome them is one of the best things we can do for ourselves.

Let’s consider one vital component in Concentration.

And that is:



Focused Thinking helps to remove distraction and mental clutter.

It helps one to concentrate on an issue and think with clarity.

There are Things That Focused Thinking Can Do For Us.

1. Focused Thinking Harness Energy Towards a Desired Goal‼️

2. Focused Thinking Gives Ideas Time To Develop.‼️

3. Focused Thinking Brings Clarity To The Target‼️

4. Focused Thinking Will Take You To The Next Level.‼️

Those were identified by The Leadership Expert…

*John Maxwell*


We need to:

1. Identify & Define Our Priorities.

2. Discover Our Gift.

3. Develop Our Dream.



1. Remove Distractions

2. Make Time for Focused Thinking

3. Keep Items of Focus Before You

4. Set Goals

5. Question Your Progress

In conclusion

To make any remarkable progress in life.

We need to do one thing:


You can’t go to the highest level if you remain a generalist.

We need to Find something we’re good at.

When you do find what you’re good at, then, you have to give up the other things.

The other things constitute distractions.

To Give Up The Unimportant Things In Life, We Need To Do Certain Things.

And, with that… I’m done!

Always have this in mind:

1. You can’t know everyone.

Stop trying to be acquainted with everyone you meet or hear about.

2. You can’t do everything.

Many of us try to do different things and end up getting nothing done.

Don’t be a Jack.

3. You can’t go everywhere

We must stop being available at every function.

We must stop making sure we’re everywhere it’s happening.

You won’t accomplish much with your life, if you try to attend to everything that beckons for your attention.

Choose your battle wisely.

Some battles are not worth fighting


4. You can’t be well rounded

Stop trying to know 💯% of everything.

Ninety-nine percent of knowledge is unnecessary.

Learn to focus on the one percent that makes your life stand out.

Thanks for having me.


Timothy Ade AlitFest: I have a question Sir.

What are the most common internal battles /mindsets we will have to deal with.

And how can we deal with it quickly?

I was waiting for the video to upload

One of the internal battles that most youths deal with you is the desire for acceptance.

Many want to fit into the norm…

They want to fit into the system.

They need some kind of assurance that they are worth something.

Some struggle with Poor self image.

What we may call

Inferiority Complex.

The need to please everyone is also a part of the battles.

Then comes the urge to satisfy our sexual drive.

Its another battle that many face


The number one key is


Knowing who you are and what you are worth.

It is coming to the realization that, you don’t need the validation of your friends or the society to be able to feel ‘worthy’

For Battles that relates to Morality…

One needs Self-control and Self-restraint

One more thing…

One of the battles again is the Unhealthy Crave for what many today deem as Success…

And, what’s that?

We want to hammer and hammer on time.

This has been the major bane of most youths.

That’s the root of many cyber crimes we hear about today.

As well as many social vices around.


We must refuse to measure or try to compare our lives with that of those we see flaunting around on social media.

A lot of people are living fake lives on social media.

Yet, many youths who don’t know any better.

Are busy killing themselves with depression and anxiety.

Any wonder why there has been an increase in the rate of SUICIDE

There are other inner battles, but I need to stop here.

I know I type too much.

Timothy Ade AlitFest: No please go on

Pardon me for boring the house with my too many texts

Timothy Ade AlitFest: It’s necessary people know.


Timothy Ade AlitFest: You don’t know how much this changes everything this second half of the year for people.

To conclude on this matter…

I want to draw our attention to the recent crime that hit our cyber space

The case of *Hushpuppi*

I am positive we have heard about his ARREST.

Do you know how many persons were driven into depression because of the seemingly ‘SUCCESS’ of Hushpuppi?

The other day, I was on Twitter.

His name was among the trending list for the day

I decided to check it out.

I saw lots of short videos where the Hushpuppi guy was busy making mockery of youth who seem to be living in ‘poverty’

We may never know how many persons have considered themselves as ‘FAILURES’ because they see others flaunting their ‘SUCCESS’ story.

My counsel for us all tonight is


Daddy John Obidi of Headstart Africa on Facebook will always say:


We need to constantly remind ourselves of this Every time…


So, the need to CONCENTRATE on Winning our Own Battles.

Thanks for having me.



Editor for

Official Blog of Nuggli — words that change worlds.