
Published in
4 min readSep 9, 2020

As taught by Mr. Egiewizzy…

Good evening everyone.

I hope I have your attention. Please participate. All your questions are most welcome.

Happy Easter celebration everyone. I count myself privileged to have been selected to speak on such a memorable day as this. A day that’s very special to every Christian. A day that signifies the faith every Christian has and rightfully so, I’ll begin through biblical history.

The topic before me today is called Criticism and it is very important in the fact that you may have learnt all the principles but, with the presence of criticism, never really use them.

God was speaking and he said, I have placed before your life and death, good and evil. Choose life that you may live. One thing we have been given freedom to do is to make choices.

Without knowing the meaning, we’ve not really begun.

What do we understand by Criticism?

Criticism can be seen to be an evaluation that considers both positive and negative aspects, but tends to be more negative than not.

It is seen as an Expression of disapproval but is a critical assessment of something and/or someone.

Every male may choose to support a different sport and in each sport, a different team. Due to these choices, they can face criticism. Men and ladies can choose different hairstyles and can face criticism on their choices also

Every choice you make can be criticized once the other party doesn’t accept your choice. There’s a saying that any man who wastes one minute of his life is not fit to live. With this, we can rightfully say that, some of us here can be criticized for how we live.

It is only when you believe that your team is mediocre or your hairstyle is not as beautiful, that you’ll change it. In that instance, the Criticism has been given power, but if you ignore and move on with your life, the criticism becomes mere words and tends to become impotent.

As a principle, what does criticism teach us?

Firstly, we need to understand that Criticism has no power. The time and conscious effort taken to ponder on the critic, the pattern of criticism and the words used gives it power.

We; if not all people, have distractions. Something is delaying us. Something questioning our moves. These are limiting factors as mathematicians would say. These are criticisms. The delays only happen when the Criticism is given power.

As an evaluation by a person, a group, and even one’s self, criticism measures our strength. If things get totally out of proportion, the critic or their targets can lose balance themselves. Criticism can cause havoc and therefore people need to know how to handle it from both ends. A critic can be said to be someone that criticizes.

We all face criticism daily. Every one of us. The key is to not give it attention. I watched a movie once about a lady called Starr. She faced criticism for who she was and she overcame it at the end. A wonderful movie called THUG life. You can watch it at your leisure.

The risen Christ faced the devil and rebuked him. We also can rebuke the critic. The fact that you’ve been given power to do something doesn’t mean you should show off. But, if you do or not, you will be criticized. Criticism tends to focus on the choices we do not make. But, we have freedom to make these choices, so we shouldn’t let criticism get in our way.

There are many ways to handle criticism.

The first is to listen. Listen to what is said

2. Assume good intentions unless proven otherwise,

3. Never make excuses.

4. Don’t take anything personally

5. If you’re writing, see criticism as a help and not a fight or argument

6. Don’t be hard on yourself

7. This for me is the most important: Say thank you

The mind plays a very important role in the area of criticism because of the way you view yourself. In case you don’t know, you can be your own critic.

We need to understand that Criticism is a limiting factor but, the power it holds is the power we give to it. Knowing how to handle criticism now, I hope we all can practice them in the events of these happenings at anywhere they may arise. Train your mind to be more positive. The area of positivity is where everything progresses.

The Bible says whatsoever is true, pure, of good report, think on these things. Never limit yourself. You are more than you think. Never let criticism stand in the way of your progress.

You can say this, I KNOW I CAN. Speak positively always

Always think, talk and act positively for as a man thinketh, so he is. Criticism can also cut across the choices we don’t make, like our race (color of our skin). Strip criticism of it’s power, and you have the upper hand

Never let yourself be weighed down by anything. Be strong and have courage even when you make a mistake, rise and go again. We are Champions! Never forget that.

May God extend our lives until our destinies are fulfilled.



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