Your college centric brand should double-down on Snapchat, now.

Jack Sutherland Publication


Full Disclosure, these actions are inspired by Gary Vee crushing it on Snapchat lately.

Our whole business revolves around college students and in particular college juniors and seniors. If we took a straw poll of our friends, probably 80–90% of them use SC daily.

Attention is everything, especially for a small startup. We have an advantage because we are our target market so we know the secrets but you need to know this too. Take your brand to Snapchat for the engagement and interaction with younger people or Generation-S as some marketers are calling it (generation smartphone).

We use Snapchat as a personal forum for our users to ask us questions in a low-impact way. No other platform allows for the open communication like this and there is nothing young people relate with more than being connected to information.

I challenge you as a fellow startup CEO or CMO to take initiative and grab a brand snapchat to communicate with users and be an expert in your field. We help college seniors find careers they love and that is what we are experts on within the Snapchat community.

Provide value everyday, grow your audience, and you will have an engaged brand with the young people who matter most to your business.

Oh yeah, and follow “nugrad_io” on Snapchat and tell your college friends (:

NuGrad finds the best college seniors and represents them in their career search providing exclusive opportunity to great companies.



Jack Sutherland Publication

Founder at @detectiveio, Ex-Founder @nugrad_io, Entrepreneur, Writer. Aging Chicago 25 under 25.