Gap Fund Recipients October 2016

Dyan Khor
IDEA: Northeastern’s Venture Accelerator
2 min readOct 26, 2016

IDEA Gap Funding is a non-equity educational grant available to ventures in the GO stage of IDEA’s process. Applicants may apply on a bi-monthly basis where their business plans are reviewed by IDEA’s student Investment Committee upon being selected to pitch plans to IDEA’s Advisory Board. Applicants may receive up to $10,000 in funding.

This Fall, IDEA ventures are planning for growth to finish out the year. Congratulations to the three IDEA Ventures awarded September 2016 Gap Funding. We are proud of all the hard work you’ve each put into your ventures and look forward to watching you all progress further and see your successes. Learn more about the awarded IDEA ventures below.


Keep up with your workouts with this “Peer Pressure Powered Workout App.” The application asks you to donate to charity when you miss your workout goal. Instead of a fitness tracker, you verify workouts by sharing a sweaty selfie with your private group within the app. SQD will use their Gap Funding to integrate a payment process as well as online advertising to acquire users in the New Year.

Says SQD CEO, Matt Handy, “This grant will make a huge and immediate impact in the trajectory of SQD. The morale boost alone since sharing the news with our team has been amazing.”

NextSteps Connect

NextSteps creates white label apps for hospitals to use as an information directory as well as receive feedback via a survey feature. The aim is to improve the patient experience while minimizing the delay in data collection. With their Gap Funding, NextSteps Connect will be creating a native survey feature to better capture qualitative feedback in hospitals.

Meeting Habits

Meeting Habits focuses on saving time and money by gathering data and employing monthly tips to help meetings run more smoothly. This will help companies and employees use their time and resources more efficiently. They will use their Gap Funding to build software that will allow data to be automatically uploaded.

Congratulations again to the 2016 October Gap Fund recipients, we are excited to see your continued progress. Keep up the great work!



Dyan Khor
IDEA: Northeastern’s Venture Accelerator

Growth @ Cash App. Traveler, feminist, home chef, the kind of person who asks before petting your dog.