Meet unsize at NEXPO

As Northeastern’s Venture showcase is getting closer and closer, we are continuing our venture spotlights. Another start-up that you will be able to meet on November 16th is unsize, whose goal is to eliminate the thought of “will it fit me?” when online shopping.

Have you ever wanted to purchase a piece of clothing online, but dismissed it because you were unsure on your size? A revolutionary start-up, unsize, is suited to help you find the perfect size when ordering online. At the intersection of technology and design, unsize provides immediate resources for customers to find clothes that “fit and feel good” with their Bluetooth- connected hardware device and their own webapp. The hardware device will accurately take your measurements and will send it via Bluetooth to the webapp. Then, on whichever website you visit while shopping online, unsize will help you find the size that best matches your criteria (i.e. desired fit) and will eliminate the thought of “will it fit me?”

The founders of unsize are very excited to share their story at NEXPO. During that time, they hope to get feedback on what they do and how they can improve this experience. So, if you are interested in hearing more about this idea, make sure to stop by their table to chat with them!

Join us on November 16th from 6:30pm — 9:00pm in the new Interdisciplinary Science and Engineering Complex, ISEC. Sign up here now!

Visit to find out more.

