NEXPO 2019: Defiance

Register to attend NEXPO here!

November is a special month for all of us at IDEA. Not only is it National Entrepreneurship Month, it’s also when we host our biggest event of the year. NEXPO is Northeastern University’s Innovation and Entrepreneurship Expo. On November 21st, students, industry professionals, founders, and startup enthusiasts will experience Northeastern’s innovation and the culmination of all the hard work the ecosystem has put in. IDEA ventures from an array of industries will be attending as well as winners from Husky Startup Challenge, an incubation bootcamp ran by E-Club, the nation’s largest entrepreneurs club and I-Corps, the applied research and technology ventures from Northeastern.

Attendees will get to see the results of our founders hard work, hear their stories, network, meet young and aspiring entrepreneurs, and learn about the resources that support them all under one roof.

Since this year marks IDEA’s tenth year anniversary, we decided to have our first ever theme for NEXPO. We thought about our entrepreneurs and the experiences they go through. Entrepreneurs solve problems. They stray from the common path to find better, more efficient ways of doing things. They follow their dreams despite the odds. In a word, entrepreneurs are defiant.

There are many ways to be defiant as an entrepreneur. We summed it up in three aspects: Dare to Defy, Challenge the Status Quo, and Pioneer the Future.

Dare to Defy: Entrepreneurs have the odds stacked against them. Over 90% of startups fail, but despite this, entrepreneurs are not afraid to defy the odds and fight to succeed.

Challenge the Status Quo: Women receive 2.2% of funding from VCs but this does not stop our female founders. They continue to challenge the status quo by growing their businesses and lifting their business to success.

Pioneer the Future: Entrepreneurs are disruptors of industries. They see a new way of doing things that can change the course of the future. They’re pioneers who aren’t afraid to make new paths.

Come see the ones that dare to dream — that dare to defy.

