Team Talks: Leadership

Hey, I’m Margot. I have been the Marketing Lead for IDEA for the past year, but my rule is coming to an end as I am graduating in just a couple of months. To be completely honest with you, graduation is very exciting, but kind’of scary; yet, being a leader in college made me feel a little less alarmed. Actually, I am here to convince you to take on a challenge and become one of IDEA’s new leader. Read along…

1. Why?

Being a manager is… interesting. You learn so much about yourself, your managing style, and simply how to work with people in a different setting than these lengthy group projects DMSB loves so much. This experience you gain from being a leader is so much greater than going on co-op and being at the bottom of the food-chain. Here, you call the shots and get to be a part of the decision-making in where the organization is going. This leadership experience has allowed me to grow immensely professionally, and it’s really exciting to notice and contemplate how much!

2. For who?

Anyone can be a leader, whether it’s with IDEA or another organization. All you need is the willingness to take on a challenge and surpass yourself (and a little bit of experience too). Actually, I found out that my working style is “Amiable.” If you know me personally, you will not be surprised. But what does that mean in terms of managing? Basically, I will go the extra mile to build relationships with others before working with them and want to make sure everyone is comfortable. On the other hand, I don’t enjoy confrontations, and delegating & setting deadlines aren’t my favorite; you will quickly learn that those are necessary and simply move on. If you want to assess your working style for fun, Google “how to assess your working style”.

3. Your Team

A misconception is that “managers know everything”. I don’t feel any more knowledgeable than the wonderful people who work with me, and realistically, they are all individually better at what they’re doing than what I could do. The best part of being IDEA’s Marketing Lead is surrounding yourself with an amazing team who will support you and help you reach your goals. In addition, the other people on IDEA’s management team are all amazing, so you get to make some new friends too.

4. When?

You’re in luck, because we are hiring for all of our lead positions! This includes the Marketing Lead, Tech Lead, Community Lead, and Venture Lead. However, the only exception is that you need to be in Boston for both Spring 2019 and Fall 2020. If I almost convinced you, check out the role descriptions and apply here. A bonus point for the Marketing Lead is that you get to create the IDEA SWAG, which may include lip balms and koozies.

