The Ventures that Defy: NEXPO 2019

All of us here at IDEA are very excited to see you all tomorrow at NEXPO!

Meet us in ISEC from 7:00–9:00 where we’ll have 20 amazing ventures attending from a variety of industries. You’ll get to talk to founders, learn their stories, network with industry professionals, and learn about the resources that IDEA offers.

Come check us out to see how our ventures pioneer the future, challenge the status quo and dare to defy. Sign up here!

NEXPO 2019 IDEA Ventures


Wunderite is a collaborative tool for business insurance that streamlines the application and renewal process. Their platform helps businesses create an online risk profile. Once the profile is complete, insurance brokers can send this information to insurers quickly and easily.

Parallel Pipes

Parallel Pipes is an easy-to-use, fast & secure multiphysics finite element simulation platform in the Cloud with neural networks applications.


Bountium is revolutionizing supply ordering using blockchain. They digitize, automate, and enforce supply order agreements so that supply purchasers can focus on the important parts of their business. Bountium was apart of Underscore’s summer incubator.

Ichosia Biotechnology

Ichosia Biotechnology designs and utilizes novel genetic engineering techniques to develop a scalable method of mass producing an enhanced red blood cell product, termed Erythrosyn.


Provides route optimization within school districts and ensure student safety for parents and school administrators. BusRight was apart of Underscore’s summer incubator.


Tactus created a wearable vest that enables deaf people to experience music. It uses custom software to optimize music and is lightweight, unobtrusive, and is able to be worn while dancing.


b.bloc©, is a clear-adhesive insert that goes into your shoes — not on your skin — and prevents blisters for months on end. No more Band-Aids that lose their stick and lotions that have to be constantly reapplied.

Dr. Brinsely

Dr. Brinsely manufactures a range of fashionable diabetic footwear so that diabetics do not have to choose between looking good and losing their feet.

Bharat Babies

Bharat Babies is an award-winning children’s publishing house that helps families diversify their libraries.

Boston Microgreens

Boston Microgreens is a hyper-local, indoor urban farm that grows microgreens, specialty herbs, and edible flowers for chefs and the Boston community at large.


Guardion is making ion detection cheaper, more sensitive, more portable, and easier to scale unlocking new market opportunities in vacuum sensing, ion mobility spectrometry, and mass spectrometry.


Flexxbotics efficiently and flexibly redeploys your universal robot automation solutions. They created the Flexx Reference which will improve uptime across your entire Universal Robot fleet by delivering a faster, productive, and more repeatable programming platform that is compatible with any UR model.

Ornami Hair

Ornami is beauty company that specializes in providing premium hair extensions, skin, and hair care to women of all hair types and backgrounds. We pride ourselves on being an inclusive company that empowers women and aims to bring transparency and social responsibility to the beauty industry.

NEXPO 2019 I-CORPS Ventures


Evergreens technology allows farmers to grow food closer to the consumers, reducing the carbon footprint and making it a more sustainable option. They do not use any soil and minimize human-product interaction throughout the process.

Human cell and Bacteria Nanoparticles

Use of pathogenic bacteria-standard and antibiotic-resistant phenotype — for the production of selenium nanoparticles with antibacterial, anticancer, and antioxidant properties.

Hypoxia Inducing Cryogels

Current technologies either hamper flexibility in cell culture experimentation or are so costly that laboratories do not implement them. To address this gap in a growing market, we developed inexpensive and easy-to-produce hypoxia-inducing cryogels (HICs), biomaterial-based capsules that rapidly deplete oxygen when added to any glucose-containing aqueous environment. This allows scientists to reliably complete any cell culture experiment in a hypoxic milieu at a reasonable cost.


Nomix’s solution is a patient recruitment, profiling, matching, and enrollment platform. They use an at-home blood collection kit to acquire genomic data from RNA Seq. Network medicine algorithms use this data to predict disease and drug response. Their digital phenotyping app allows us to understand patient behaviors. Then they use this information to build a patient profile and match patients to clinical trials.

Venova Technologies — IUD

New contraceptive device that will achieve the long-acting reversible goals of IUDs but will be non-hormonal and nonpharmacologic.

Hope to see you at NEXPO to celebrate Northeastern’s up and coming entrepreneurs!

