Unleashing the Future of Meme Coins — Nukem Loans

Nukem Loans
Published in
6 min readJun 5, 2023

It has been an epic journey spanning over a whopping 18 months of blood, sweat, and relentless iteration (more than 50 iterations) for the prodigious minds at Enable DeFi. We’ve meticulously honed our smart contracts to perfection, leaving no stone unturned in our quest to revolutionize the industry and to deliver a set of tools that will turn any project with “no utility but strong community” into a beast. Finally, we are preparing for a launch of a v1.0 of an isolated lending protocol, created specifically for high-risk meme projects with adequate liquidity and massive communities.

During this period, the Enable team underwent a transformation, rebranding not once, but twice. Starting as a pure Abracadabra fork — Black Magic Money — we made the decision to postpone the launch, despite having completed the fork development and testing. As we delved into Abracadabra’s contracts, we discovered their inefficient and rudimentary nature. Also, we recognized that this lending technology, although the most modern at that time, has immense potential for substantial upgrades.

The new technology we have developed centers around the rebasing ERC-4626 vault standard and non-transferable tokens, which play a pivotal role in our innovative design of “Debt and Collateral Tokens”. These tokens reside within the users’ wallets, and when the Debt Token surpasses the liquidation point defined by the Collateral Token, a liquidation event is triggered. This mechanism ensures a seamless integration between the two tokens, providing a robust and automated liquidation process.

Additionally, we have created tools such as Swapper, which has further enhanced our already highly efficient liquidation engine.
Swapper scans the available liquidity and determines the “liquidatable” value across Automated Market Makers (AMMs). This process allows us to limit the loan exposure to the maximum swappable value, ensuring secure and comprehensive liquidations at any given time and enabling us to maximize the efficiency of our liquidation process.

After engaging in discussions with potential VCs, we recognized the gravity of our new technology, necessitating a more fitting branding strategy and a highly volatile playground to rigorously test the resilience of our lending protocol. As a result, we underwent a rebranding process and established Enable DeFi, a UAE-based company that owns a range of smart contracts utilized within our isolated lending technology. We made the strategic decision to launch the protocol’s v1.0 under the project name Nukem Loans, which has been specifically tailored and branded to conquer the meme coin market.

NUKEM Launch

We have set the launch date for the NUKEM token somewhere in June (surprise), and we are committed to offer something different from the typical cash-grab launches seen in the crypto space. As a token of our appreciation for every community member who has been with us throughout our development journey and every branding iteration, we have granted arbitrary allocations for their participation in the NUKEM token launch.

To ensure a fair distribution, both community and team funds (~$350k) will be utilized to directly purchase the majority of the circulating supply from the market once we establish liquidity pairs on UniSwap (ETH) and PancakeSwap (BNB). Community tokens will then be staked for a period of 6 months and distributed to holders as sNUKEM, a “fee-bearing” protocol token, and team tokens will be used for market-making activities on centralized exchanges after the initial 10 day lock-up period. We understand that this unlocking schedule may raise some questions and spark ideas about team dumping its supply after the unlocking period. However, we believe that our communities (both Enreach and Enable) already know that we are a reputable team with real-world businesses, and after all — our intentions extend far beyond short-term gains of 2 or 3x .

Currently, we have approximately 63 community members who have secured allocations totaling around $150,000 ($350k with team funds). With this strong foundation, we anticipate an immediate surge in market capitalization of this bad boy to reach ~$13 million as soon as trading becomes active (instant ~2.5x for OG investors).

Value Proposition

Few weeks after the token launch we will be gearing up to release a complete product — a cutting-edge isolated lending protocol specifically designed for meme coins, with top-notch liquidation engine, ensuring efficient and secure lending operations and revenue generating. Revenue distribution (borrowing fees, interest and liquidation fees) will highly incentivize both lending liquidity providers and sNUKEM holders.

Holders of sNUKEM will earn a 100% (1% per loan) of the borrowing fees from each loan taken on the Nukem Loans platform. Every time a loan is initiated, 1% of the loan value is deducted (borrow fee) and used to buy back NUKEM from the open market. The bought-back NUKEM tokens are then distributed to sNUKEM holders, creating a constant buying pressure and incentivizing the staking of NUKEM for sNUKEM tokens. The liquidation fees collected will be distributed between sNUKEM holders and lending liquidity providers (31%/69%) while the entire interest earned will be retained by the lending liquidity providers.


My degen brain has identified two key points (lets keep it simple) that are crucial for the massive success (MC > $100m) of the NUKEM token:

  1. Attracting a Sufficient Number of Depositors: To ensure the success of NUKEM, it is essential to attract a significant number of depositors who are willing to participate in the lending process using both MEME and USDT tokens. Once we have achieved sufficient liquidity, there is no doubt (IMO) that we will attract borrowers who are eager to leverage their exposure to popular tokens like SHIB or PEPE, even if it means paying substantial interest rates.
  2. To achieve the desired success in the degen crypto culture, it is crucial to hit that sweet spot by delivering specialized “Giga-Chad style” content. This means creating content that resonates with the community’s interests and captures the essence of enthusiasm for high-risk, high-reward investments.


The stage is set, the core community is primed, and the dawn of a transformation is upon us. So gather ‘round, fellow pioneers, as we bear witness to the birth of something truly degeneric. The future is knocking on our door, and it won’t take no for an answer. Together, we’ll conquer new frontiers and rewrite the rules of DeFi lending game. Join the movement, join the revolution, and let’s make some serious noise that will echo throughout the ages. Hail to the community, the driving force behind this unstoppable decentralized monster! The time is now, and together, we’ll make history!

