July 22nd, 2016 — We’re catching up with WebPal


July’s featured web host is WebPal, a Melbourne based company.

Phil Rivard
Published in
6 min readJul 23, 2016


We’re running a new blog series called “Featured Web Host” where we learn more about a web hosting company, where they’re from, how they got started, tools they couldn’t live without and some tips and tricks for other web hosts.

In our very first post of the series, we had the chance to interview Rob Marlbrough Jr., Founder & CEO of Press Wizards®.

This time around, we’re catching up with Andrew Knight, Director at WebPal for almost 7 years. Let’s see what the Aussies are made of, shall we?

WebPal — http://www.webpal.com.au/

Philippe Rivard: Hi Andrew! Thank you so much for spending some time with us. I’m eager to learn more about you and your company. Can you briefly introduce yourself and tell us where you’re from?

Andrew Knight: Hi Philippe. Thanks for the interview. I must be honest, introducing myself always tends to be a challenge, particularly as I’m usually the one asking the questions. But hey — I’ll give it my best shot!

I’m 26, live in Melbourne (Australia) and share every waking day with my beautiful partner of nearly 5 years. When I’m not working or drinking delicious Melbourne coffee, I’m usually listening to Alan Watts or knee deep in some philosophical discussion.

PR: Send me some of that coffee would you? Melbourne coffee sounds delicious! Now you’ve been in business with WebPal since 2009, can you tell us how you got into the web hosting industry?

AK: That’s right! Well, it actually began when I was 15. After a few years exploring the depths of the “Internet”, I became involved in digital design, which ultimately spring boarded me into website design and development. From there, I became active in a webmaster community, developing various relationships with great people from everywhere.

However, despite some extraordinary relationships, it was one in particular that made all the difference for me. His name is Daniel and he lived in Jackson, TN (USA). Like most of us regulars at the time, he had a free single-domain hosting account with the webmaster forum. Unfortunately, he received, like we all did, a notice that his account would be terminated by months’ end, due to the closure of the forum. Though devastated, he made a different choice than most, and changed my course forever.

That decision? To lease a dedicated server and giving me a FREE WHM/cPanel reseller account. Welcome my first ever web hosting business — Web Hosting Ideas. It’s actually still accessible for historical purposes — what a hoot.

PR: Agreed, reseller accounts are a great way to start… even more so if they’re free. How did you come up with the name WebPal?

AK: Actually believe it or not, it was my Dad. I awoke one morning to his incessant high-pitched whistling (which drove me bonkers!), and with a smug look plastered all on his face, he spits out; “WebPal, what you think?”. And that was that — the rest is history.

PR: Dads are awesome! Speaking of which, can you tell us a little bit more about the team behind WebPal?

Andrew and his father in Bali earlier this year.

AK: We’re small. Tiny in fact. As of this moment, WebPal — in terms of flesh — is made up of yours truly and my Dad. Sure, we have part-time support consultants & server techs, but mostly it’s just him & I. People are surprised by this, whether it be negative or positive I’m never sure, but I know one thing — without the love of automation and adoration of efficiency shared by both Dad & I, it would be impossible. We do hope to employ key people in the near future, but want to focus on ensuring our customers continue to receive only the best service.

PR: It looks like you guys are really close and good pals to run a business together. But with so many hosting companies out there, why should someone choose WebPal?

AK: This is always a difficult question to answer. I always feel it’s like asking why would you pick Honda over Toyota, or BMW over Mercedes? (PR: If anyone feels generous, I’d pick BMW over Mercedes… just saying.) Many answer based on either personal experience or appearance, rather than actually focusing on facts and independent studies. Unfortunately for us, many have no or little experience with hosting and well, there’s nothing to look at.

Who really wants to see a white room full of blinking lights? Definitely not our customers. Instead, we found they prefer to have someone real on the other end, speaking their local jargon. While stable servers, reliability, fast speed and all those over-talked about features are simply expected.

PR: Now that we know where you’re coming from, what are your plans for the future with WebPal?

AK: At this stage, grow slow but steady. Take our time with perfecting systems and understanding our customers. Employing full-time staff that share our mission of building relationships and serving however possible is on the cards. And maybe a data centre? Haha, in a few hundred years!

PR: Let’s hope it will be shorter than a few 100-years. Which software or apps do you use daily and couldn’t live without?

AK: Anything that aids automation and increases efficiency but doesn’t complicate the end-user process/UX. As of this moment this includes WHMCS, Putty, Notepad++, cPanel/WHM (worth every penny!), Firefox w/ Web Developer & AdBlock Plus, WinSCP (FTP g0d), Monitis and my iPhone with saved-my-ass-heaps 4G tethering. Oh and I can’t forget — Spotify. I think I’d crash and burn without such an endless library. Sometimes adjusting that genre due to some unforeseen “circumstance” can really help destress oneself and put a smile on for when the next customer calls!

PR: Oh tethering, my tethering… saved so many of us. Why did you decide to pre-order Nukern and where do you see Nukern fit with all the aforementioned apps?

AK: I’m always on the lookout for new software that improves automation and decreases the need for unnecessary technicalities. This helps to keep focus on the mission rather than being stuck on details. WordPress is a great example of this from a web development perspective, I’m only hoping Nukern can be the same from a web hosting perspective.

PR: You definitely got our mission right. We wanna set as many web hosting businesses on autopilot as possible in this underserved industry.

Now, looking back at how you started and what you know today, any tips and tricks for anyone who would like to start or grow a web hosting business?

AK: Just do it. Literally. Buts and ums lead straight into doubt, confusion and ultimately self-defeat. BUT, be clear on the WHY. The idea will help keep you motivated in times of pain, while the spontaneity will help keep your finger on the pulse and catering to as many markets as possible.

PR: I think it’s awesome to show passion and dedication like you guys are doing. Thanks for taking the time to chat with us. Any last words for our readers?

AK: Thanks for having me over. It’s companies like you [Nukern], which challenge the status quo and keep our industry developing and achieving an overall better experience for everyone involved, so thanks! I only hope you continue improving and simplifying this great billing software every step of the way.

Are you like WebPal and offering web hosting services to your clients? Do you like to challenge the status quo and get things moving? If so, we’d love to feature you in our “Featured Web Host” series. Get in touch with us at featured[at]nukern.com, we’ll get right back to you :)



Phil Rivard
Editor for

Techstars​ alum with a #GiveFirst mentality and a passion for Product, Customer Experience / Success, and Growth.