NULS Bi-Monthly Report

March 16–31, 2021

6 min readApr 16, 2021


Technical Progress

SCO Platform


Other News

Community Governance

Technical Progress

The Nabox Chrome plugin wallet is available for public testing in the Google extensions store.

Similar to MetaMask, it has the ability to perform cross-chain transactions without logging into an exchange. The plug-in completed multiple rounds of internal and external tests, and is in final beta testing.
  • New versions of NerveDEX are released. Highlights include no handling fees for intra-chain transactions, and no handling fees for DEX pending orders, withdrawal orders, and transfers.

NULS SCO Platform

March 16
FarSwap launched its project on the NULS SCO platform. Farswap aims to encourage a network of users to run a platform where users can lend, borrow, buy, and sell their crypto assets and earn rewards. Welcome FarSwap!

March 20
NULS SCO projects BonFi and Katalyo have established a strategic partnership to launch innovative Defi products.

  • March 22: GG Dapp launched its project on the NULS SCO Platform. GG Dapp is a crypto gaming startup based in Portugal. Welcome GG Dapp!

  • March 31: Cobalt Lend announced their Cobalt tokens, CBLT, is available for trading on NerveDex.

NULS/NVT Trading

  • March 16: NerveNetwork v1.10.0 was released.–10–0/4890

  • March 16: NULS reached cooperation with Biscuit Farm Finance. Biscuit Farm Finance is a mining revenue aggregator on the BSC network. They will launch their project on the NULS SCO platform.
  • March 16: NULS announced its support for NFT assets. At this year’s third Anniversary Ecological Cloud Summit, NULS released an updated roadmap and announced that it would provide essential support for NFT-related projects. NFT has application scenarios in many fields, including games, art treasures, and electronic deposit cards.

March 17
NULS reached cooperation with KnitFinance. KnitFinance can leverage any digital, lockable asset. By generating equivalent Synthetix tokens in a 1:1 ratio, KnitFinance unlocks billions of dollars and trade access, which can be censor-proof.

March 17
BeeSwap, on the Heco chain, reached strategic cooperation with the NULS ecosystem. BeeSwap plans to build an NFT platform on public chains such as BSC and NULS. BeeSwap assets can take advantage of the multi-chain circulation using NULS and NerveNetwork cross-chain technology.

On March 17, 2021, NULS tweeted:

A multi-chain wallet similar to MetaMask and belonging to the NULS ecosystem will be released soon. This wallet enables free switching between NULS chains, ETH chains, BSC chains, and Heco chains.

March 18
NULS reached an alliance with Orbits, a low-slip stable currency exchange project found on Heco. Orbits will support one-click exchanges of Nerve cross-chain assets with Heco assets.

March 23 has opened the sNULS planet. sNULS is an algorithmic stable coin that anchors the value of NULS 1: 1, with an initial circulation of 2100 pieces. The sNULS planet will be used in cross-chain asset conversion, unsecured lending, game applications, and many other scenarios in the Supernova universe of the future.

  • March 24, 2021, sNULS planet launched the NULS_sCASH liquidity pool. This supports NULS, NVT, TPT, DATT, ARCH, SWFTC, MDX, BEE, EDC, FilDA, CAN, Goblin, Scash, and 13 other assets to participate in non-destructive mining.

March 25
NULS is listed on The website provides real-time crypto market cap rankings, historical prices, charts, all-time highs, supply data and more. Users can query real-time market value, ranking, historical prices, etc.

  • March 26: NULS issues a list of current mining revenue in the main network, Nerve main network, POCM platform, and BSC ecology. Among them: BSC ecology PancakeSwap NULS_BUSD LP has a mining yield of 180%.
  • March 29: ZIFI opened NULS-BNB and NULS-ZIFI liquidity mining.

March 29
Pepper Finance launched NULS-BUSD and NULS-PEPR liquidity mining.

March 30

NULS-BUSD’s LP liquidity pledge on PancakeSwap reached 6.28 million US dollars.

March 31
sFilda planet supports NULS lossless mining, holding NULS to participate in the Heco ecochain algorithm stable coin project Supernova sFilda planet’s single-coin lossless mining.

Other News

March 17

NULS invites people to consider becoming a NULS community ambassador.

  • March 18: NULS released the mainnet wallet upgrade version 2.9.0. Optimizations include improved execution efficiency of intelligent virtual machines (NVM), and resolved certain conditions that triggered a yellow card.

  • March 30: NULS West Director Berzeck participated in an exclusive interview by StealthEX to discuss microservices, real-time cross-chain, and the future development of NULS.

Community Governance

  • Community volunteer shmily2uan launched a community volunteer proposal for April to June 2021. The proposal is a 3-month continuation of the previous proposal and is under discussion.

  • Turkish Ambassador Koinmilyoner launched the election of Turkish Ambassador in the second quarter of 2021. The proposal was successful. Congratulations, Turkish Ambassador Koinmilyoner!

  • Canadian Ambassador Pipeshark released his January-February Ambassador work report. Thank you, Pipeshark!

  • Portuguese Ambassador Cristinh0 released his January-February Ambassador work report. Thank you, Cristinh0!

  • Canadian Ambassador Pipeshark launched his second-quarter Canadian Community Ambassador campaign proposal. The proposal passed. Congratulations, Pipeshark!

  • Spanish Ambassador Noel launched the second quarter Spanish Community Ambassador campaign. The proposal has passed. Congratulations Noel!

  • UAE NULStar Sanny1256 released his February work report. Thank you, Sanny1256!

  • Community member, named ‘crash’, made a late request for an ERC20 token swap of old for new NULS. The proposal is being followed-up.

  • Berzeck, NULS West Director, initiated the NULS Western expense budget proposal from March to August 2021. The budget has passed. Congratulations Berzeck!

The best way to get involved with NULS is to join in!

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NULS is a blockchain infrastructure that provides customizable services and is also a global open-source community blockchain project. Visit: