NULS Bi-Monthly Report for the Second Half of February 2021

Published in
6 min readMar 12, 2021

Topics Covered:

  • NULS Technical Progress
  • NULS SCO Platform
  • NULS Trading
  • NULS Other News
  • NULS Community Governance

NULS Technical Progress

  • Internal testing has begun for the chrome plug-in wallet. Results are being evaluated.
  • NULS is making changes to the community governance features, including resolving voting data display problems raised by the community.
  • NULS Core Team and NTC are working to resolve NerveDEX data display issues and occasional pending orders.
  • February 28, 2021: internal testing began for the Nabox plug-in wallet. Currently, it supports ETH/BSC/Heco network assets and cross-chain transfer between multi-chain assets. Everyone is welcome to participate in the testing.

Nabox chrome plugin wallet details

Note: for non-English web pages, right-click on the page and select Translate to English.

Nabox chrome plugin wallet usage documentation:

Nabox plugin wallet test use suggestion feedback:

NULS SCO Platform

  • February 17, 2021: NULS and MesChain have discussed future collaboration opportunities, and MesChain launched its project on the NULS SCO platform. MES (Manufacturing Execution Systems) is a computerized system that tracks, documents, and interacts with manufacturing processes. The goal is to use blockchain to improve the manufacturing experience from the start to the finished product.
  • February 19, 2021: NULS and Lepricon have discussed future collaboration opportunities, and Lepricon will be launching its project on the NULS SCO platform. Lepricon is committed to providing developers with a game-based DeFi DApps platform to realize and unlock the potential of games and NFT in the blockchain.
  • February 19, 2021: NULS and Sonergy have discussed future collaboration opportunities, and Sonergy launched its project on the NULS SCO platform. Sonergy connects businesses to markets and researchers in order for these businesses to gather useful and factual insights. Sonergy is committed to empowering decision-makers.
  • On February 21, 2021: NULS and Archcoin have discussed future collaboration opportunities, and Archcoin launched its project on the NULS SCO platform. Archcoin combines blockchain with the construction industry. It is a full-process management value network developed specifically for the construction industry.

  • February 23, 2021: NULS and FarSwap have discussed future collaboration opportunities, and FarSwap launched its project on the NULS SCO platform. FarSwap operates a platform where users can lend, borrow, buy and sell Crypto assets and earn massive rewards.
  • February 25, 2021: NULS and ShieldDAO have discussed future collaboration opportunities, and ShieldDAO will be launching its project on the NULS SCO platform. “Shield is a Decentralized community of blockchain product users, who vote, take decisions, delegate, index, and curate blockchain assets. Shield is born of the Cover hack with the objective to improve security, prevent hacks while protecting Community investment and Protocol integrity.”
  • February 26, 2021: NULS and CryptoBank have discussed future collaboration opportunities, and CryptoBank launched its project on the NULS SCO platform. CryptoBank aims to provide leading cryptocurrency payment solutions in Africa and other regions. CryptoBank’s payment solutions will modernize the financial and payment industries.
  • February 26, 2021: NULS and QUAI_DAO have discussed future collaboration opportunities, and QUAI_DAO will be launching its project on the NULS SCO platform. QUAI_DAO is creating “a unique capital allocation platform, driving tech innovation, and development”.

NULS Trading

  • February 15, 2021: in the fifth week of the New Year, NULS became one of the best-performing assets of the MyCointainer platform. NULS had a seven-day increase of 32.55%.
  • February 18, 2021: NULS is trading on
  • February 20, 2021: NULS announces its listing on the MyCointainer platform.

  • February 21, 2021: NULS was one of the Top Three master node coins. NULS is in position #2. NULS’s 7-day price change was a 95.96% increase. This is the second time in a few weeks. On February 15, 2021, NULS was #3 of the Top three mastermind coins. Congratulations NULS!
  • February 24, 2021: NULS announced a partnership with the P2PB2B trading platform. P2PB2B will provide special listing conditions for NULS SCO projects.

NULS Other News

  • February 22, 2021: the Australian Taxation Office used NULS as an example in the tax return case.

February 26, 2021:
NULS Chinese Community sent Lantern Festival blessings to community members!

NULS Community Governance

1. Community member shmily2uan initiated a community volunteer proposal, which is being voted on. id = 76

2. MyCointainer initiated a proposal to cooperate with NULS. The proposal was discussed and passed and is being voted on. id = 81

3. NULS Community Director Berzeck initiated a proposal for NULS brand renewal, and the proposal is being voted on. id = 87

4. Community members initiated a proposal for ERC20 Token Mapping NULS Main Network Token, and the proposal is being voted on. id = 84

5. Community members initiated a proposal for ERC20 Token Mapping NULS Main Network Token. The proposal was discussed and passed and is being voted on. id = 88

6. Community member Caroline initiated a proposal for ERC20 Token Mapping NULS Main Network Token, which is under discussion.

7. Community member kk24 initiated a proposal for ERC20 Token Mapping NULS Main Network Token, which is under discussion.

8. Community member jalfonso21 initiated a proposal for ERC20 Token mapping NULS mainnet Token, which is under discussion.

9. Community member jackjack initiated a proposal for ERC20 Token mapping NULS mainnet Token, which is under discussion.

Proposal details:

10. Community member DonnyF initiated ERC20 Token mapping NULS mainnet Token proposal, proposal discussion.

11. Community member weidner.dan initiated a proposal for ERC20 Token mapping NULS mainnet Token, and the proposal is under discussion.



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NULS is a blockchain infrastructure that provides customizable services and is also a global open-source community blockchain project. Visit: