Tech For Planet by NUMA : It’s time to act. And together, we have.

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3 min readDec 18, 2017

“There is no need for a lengthy speech, because what matters is Action. We need to act now. And today, that’s exactly what you’re doing ‘’ Emmanuel Macron, addressing entrepreneurs in his closing speech.

Passivity is no longer an option. It’s time to act and to put all our efforts into the fight of our time: climate change. This is NUMA’s strong belief. And clearly, we are not alone.

On December 11th, 2017, over 1200 people came together at Station F to share that statement and to send a message: solutions for climate already exist, they are developed especially by startups an we need tu support them. Startups, corporates, scientists, politicians from all over the world united to showcase and to Scale Solutions for Climate.Tech For Planet, an official side-event of the One Planet Summit, was organized by NUMA with the French Presidency, BNP Paribas, Microsoft, Schneider Electric, and with the support of SUEZ.

Even though Tech For Planet was a great success, it is by not an ending. It is just the beginning of something much bigger: the green tech ecosystem, committed to a sustainable future.

Why do we believe Tech can Make Our Planet Great Again?

Startups are mainly characterized by:

  • Their capacity to try new paths, and to test products or services that have never been done before.
  • Their bold ambition.
  • Their agility, allowing them to move fast and iterate constantly.

That’s exactly what we need to fight climate change!

We decided to focus on 5 categories, each of which was represented by 5 to 8 startups.

  • Sustainable Energy
  • Waste and water
  • Biodiversity
  • Cities
  • Carbon footprint

#ActionSteps — For Startups, Tech For Planet meant: more visibility, a place to present their work, an access to funding opportunities and corporate partnership opportunities, and peer to peer knowledge exchange. It meant taking part in the creation of a movement.

Many of you did not have the chance to come to the event and to meet these entrepreneurs. So, once a week for the next five weeks, we will take a closer look at each of these categories by focusing on a problem to solve, a startup solution example, a corporate concrete commitment.

We wish to thank all the people who came to #TechForPlanet and who made this event a great success.

Congratulations to all the startups, entrepreneurs and changemakers who spoke or exhibited at #TechForPlanet and who are passionate about our Planet ! There is no Planet B and we need to leverage every player in order to scale solutions as fast as possible.



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Le coaching d’une génération d’entrepreneurs nous a appris une chose essentielle : la seule compétence indémodable, c’est de savoir travailler.