Blog Post #2: How are photos shared with Capture App?

Ethan Wu
Numbers Protocol
Published in
3 min readFeb 10, 2021

Some of you may remember the days of film cameras and looking through a physical photo album. Something about seeing those captured memories and knowing that there is only one picture out in the world makes it extra special.

Nowadays with mobile phones and social media, it is so easy to take pics and spread them across the internet. The photos you take have more reach but the value and specialness of pictures past has been lost.

“One of a Kind” Photo

Capture App is a camera app that leverages the power of Numbers Capture, Seal, Trace protocol as well the blockchain to make seemingly normal photos into unique traceable assets. This sounds complicated, but the main takeaway is that the photos you take with Capture are literally one-of-a kind.

To explain simply, every picture taken with Capture has a certificate of authenticity associated with it detailing who took the photo, where the photo was taken and what time the photo was taken. Like all certificates of authenticity, it is signed and made traceable with the blockchain, effectively a ledger detailing all transactions.

Bringing Value Back to Sharing

Today, when we share photos, we look to platforms such as Facebook and Instagram. When we share photos on these media platforms, we are opening our photos to ALL friends, family and the masses. Sharing photos today has a different meaning now than it had in the past.

In the past, a sharing photo meant physically handing a copy of the picture you took. The ownership of the photo is transferred along with the moments captured. Photo sharing in Capture App mimics this feeling as when a photo is shared, the asset along with its certificate of authenticity are transferred. This makes the photo sharing experience an intentional and special affair.

Capture App Photo Sharing Flow

Capture Share is designed to emulate traditional asset sharing experiences. Simply click on the arrow icon in your Capture and select who you want to share your capture with. REMEMBER that you are sharing your “one of a kind” moment, so be intentional and thoughtful. There is only ONE copy of every Capture, so when you decide to share it, ownership is transferred.

Let us know what you think?

What are your thoughts on Capture Share? Are you interested in this type of moment sharing experience? We would love to know your thoughts!

If you haven’t downloaded Capture App consider downloading on Android and iOS and letting us know what you think. We appreciate any and all feedback :) Happy Capturing!

Here at Numbers we are firm believers in open source projects and opening up innovation to everyone. If you are interested, Capture App project is open source and available for the public to view and contribute. Check it out!



Ethan Wu
Numbers Protocol

Recent M.S Graduate and Numbers Software Developer & Developer Relations/Community Manager