Blog Post #6: CaptureClub Introduction

Ethan Wu
Numbers Protocol
Published in
3 min readMar 10, 2021

The past few blog posts topics were a more conceptual and dove into the specifics of what Capture App can do. For this weeks blog post, we will return back to Capture App developments and go into detail about the digital asset marketplace, we coined as CaptureClub, mentioned at the end of last weeks blog post.

Before we go into what CaptureClub and what it aims to be, it is important to go back and revisit the reason Capture App was created and the goals it hopes to achieve.

Capture App Vision

A primary narrative the past few years, fake news and disinformation has run rampant, eroding societies trust in everything. As it stands, it takes five seconds to browse an image, but it takes more than five minutes to confirm its authenticity. Technology has afforded us with many conveniences, such as the access to news and information, but what happens when seeing is no longer believing?

Capture App hopes to resolve the issues surrounding image distrust and misinformation by being a trustworthy platform that consists of only true photos. It aims to provide photographers and creators with more authority and autonomy when it comes to establishing ownership and control over their creations.

As it stands right now, Capture App achieves just half of its vision being able to combat distrust and misinformation by creating traceable and verifiable photos upon capture by leveraging Numbers Image Traceability Framework, latest technologies, as well as the blockchain to establish immutable ownership and context.

Introducing CaptureClub

Establishing ownership of photos is powerful, however this act alone is limited in its reach and utility. To address this issue, we will be adding a new feature called CaptureClub. CaptureClub is a digital asset marketplace within Capture App that provides ‘Capture’ creators a platform to monetized on their ownership claimed creations.

Platforms such as ShutterStock and GettyImages have traditionally been preferred platforms to establish copyright and monetize photos. Other platforms, such as YouTube, require its creators to reach a certain threshold before they can become partners and monetize. Representing a move away from third party platform reliance and arbitrary threshold limits, CaptureClub is being built as an all in one photo (digital asset) solution where photo creators can create, establish ownership & copyright, showcase their work and monetize all in a single platform.

This exciting addition to Capture App is projected to be released in April 2021 so stay tuned for CaptureClub!

Completing the Vision with CaptureClub

The narrative for so long is to expect things to be fraudulent. It has gotten to the point where we have become desensitized to being suspicious and spending time fact checking. This is why the other half of the Capture App vision is the creation of a trustworthy platform where only true photos exists. We hope Capture App realizes this vision and changes the narrative of suspicion and distrust by providing users with a platform where all photos are authentic through claimed ownership and preserved context guaranteed by Numbers Image Traceability Framework and Blockchain immutability.

CaptureClub ensures this platform is populated with authentic content by incentivizing users with a safe platform where they have control over their assets and can monetize without the reliance of third party platforms and the fear of ownership and copyright disagreements.

Let us know what you think?

What are your thoughts on CaptureClub? We would love to know your thoughts!

If you haven’t downloaded Capture App consider downloading on Android and iOS and letting us know what you think. We appreciate any and all feedback :) Happy Capturing!

Here at Numbers we are firm believers in open source projects and opening up innovation to everyone. If you are interested, Capture App project is open source and available for the public to view and contribute. Check it out!



Ethan Wu
Numbers Protocol

Recent M.S Graduate and Numbers Software Developer & Developer Relations/Community Manager