Fake News and Misinformation: How Provenance Can Restore Trust in Media

Egbe Galason
Numbers Protocol
Published in
14 min readSep 10, 2023


In an age dominated by digital communication and social media, the proliferation of misinformation and fake news has become an alarming and pervasive issue. The dissemination of inaccurate or deliberately false information has far-reaching consequences, shaking the very foundations of trust in our information landscape. Misinformation is no longer an isolated problem but a global challenge affecting millions of individuals, societies, and democracies.

Misinformation takes many forms, from sensationalized headlines and fabricated stories to manipulated images and doctored videos. It exploits the openness and accessibility of online platforms, rapidly spreading false narratives that can shape public opinion, influence elections, and even incite real-world violence. To illustrate the gravity of the situation, we need not look further than recent events where fake news has had a tangible impact.

1.1 Case Study : The Role of Misinformation in Political Polarization

The role of misinformation in exacerbating political polarization is evident in many countries. Social media platforms have become breeding grounds for echo chambers, where users are exposed to content that aligns with their preexisting beliefs, further entrenching their views.

The 2016 United States presidential election serves as a prime example. Various misleading stories and conspiracy theories circulated on platforms like Facebook and Twitter, sowing discord and deepening the divide among citizens.

Prevalence over time and concentration of fake news sources.
(A) Daily percentage of exposures to black, red, and orange fake news sources, relative to all exposures to political URLs. Exposures were summed across all panel members. (B to D) Empirical cumulative distribution functions showing distribution of exposures among websites (B), distribution of shares by panel members (C), and distribution of exposures among panel members (D). The x axis represents percentage of websites or panel members responsible for a given percentage (y axis) of all exposures or shares. Black, red, and orange lines represent fake news sources; blue line denotes all other sources. This distribution was not comparable for (B) because of the much larger number of sources in its tail and the fundamentally different selection process involved.
Source: Source.org

The graph shows that the number of fake news stories shared on Facebook increased significantly during the 2016 US presidential election. This suggests that misinformation played a role in exacerbating political polarization during this time period.

a, Combinations of variables in the sample: digital media (A), political variables (B) and content features such as selective exposure or misinformation (C). Numbers in brackets count articles in our sample that measure an association between variables. b, Geographic distribution of articles that reported site of data collection. c,d, Distribution of measurements (counted separately whenever one article reported several variables) over combinations of outcome variables and methods (c) and over combinations of outcome variables and digital media variables (d).
Source: Nature Human Behaviour

This chart shows that the majority of fake news stories shared on Facebook during the 2016 US presidential election were favorable to Donald Trump. This suggests that misinformation may have played a role in swaying the election in Trump’s favor.

These are just two examples of visuals to support the claim that misinformation can exacerbate political polarization. By visualizing the data, we can get a better understanding of how misinformation spreads and how it can affect people’s beliefs.

1.2 The Infodemic Amid a Global Pandemic

During the COVID-19 pandemic, the infodemic — a deluge of false information about the virus — added a new layer of complexity to the challenge of misinformation. Rumors, unverified remedies, and conspiracy theories spread faster than the virus itself. These falsehoods not only fueled confusion but also posed a real threat to public health, as some individuals followed misguided advice instead of following official guidance.

1.3 The Threat to Privacy and Manipulation

The rise of social media platforms and online networks has ushered in an era where users’ virtual lives are under constant surveillance. The once-cherished concept of privacy has eroded as these platforms collect vast amounts of personal data, often without users’ explicit consent or knowledge. This data is not only used for targeted advertising but can also be weaponized for malicious purposes.

1.3.1 The Cambridge Analytica Scandal

Perhaps the most prominent case that brought privacy concerns to the forefront was the Cambridge Analytica scandal. It revealed how the Facebook profiles of 50 million unsuspecting users were harvested without their consent to create a sophisticated algorithm capable of influencing political opinions. Christopher Wylie, who worked at Cambridge Analytica, candidly admitted, “We exploited Facebook to harvest millions of people’s profiles and built models to exploit what we knew about them and target their inner demons.” This exploitation of personal data played a pivotal role in influencing the outcomes of elections and referendums.

This admission underscores the deliberate and psychologically tailored strategies employed to influence individual beliefs and behaviors. By scrutinizing this aspect, we gain a deeper understanding of how the misuse of personal data can significantly impact the integrity of democratic processes. Consequently, the Cambridge Analytica scandal serves as an illustration of the intricate interplay between data privacy, digital manipulation, and political influence within the contemporary digital era.

1.3.2 The Intrusive Nature of Microtargeting

Microtargeting, the practice of tailoring content and advertisements to specific individuals based on their online behavior and personal data, continues to pose a significant threat to privacy. It can be used not only for legitimate advertising but also for manipulating public opinion and behavior. Users often remain oblivious to the extent of surveillance and data mining, leaving them vulnerable to manipulation by nefarious actors.

1.4 The Urgency of Restoring Trust

In an information ecosystem plagued by misinformation, distrust in media sources, and concerns about data privacy, the urgency of restoring trust cannot be overstated. Trust is the cornerstone of informed decision-making, civic engagement, and a functioning democracy. The erosion of trust has led to skepticism about the credibility of news outlets, social media platforms, and the information we encounter daily.

1.4.1 The Impact on Democratic Processes

The erosion of trust has a direct impact on democratic processes, as citizens become increasingly skeptical of election outcomes and the reliability of information provided by political parties and candidates. The manipulation of public opinion through disinformation campaigns threatens the integrity of elections, making it imperative to address the trust deficit.

1.4.2 Beyond Politics: Trust in Information

Trust is not limited to the political sphere but extends to all forms of information, including health, science, and finance. As misinformation infiltrates these domains, it can lead to dire consequences, such as people making health decisions based on falsehoods or falling victim to financial scams. The consequences of trust erosion are multifaceted and affect individuals, communities, and societies at large.

1.5 Preview: The Role of Provenance and Numbers Protocol

As we delve into the depths of this critical issue, we introduce the concept of Provenance as a potential solution. Provenance, within the context of Web3 and blockchain technology, offers a promising path toward restoring trust in media and combating misinformation. At the heart of this solution lies Numbers Protocol, a decentralized blockchain platform with a mission to safeguard the authenticity of digital media.

In the following sections, we will explore how Provenance, fortified by Numbers Protocol, can empower individuals, organizations, and societies to verify the credibility of media content, protect user privacy, and uphold the integrity of information. This article aims to shed light on the multifaceted problem of misinformation and to demonstrate how blockchain technology, cryptography, and artificial intelligence can provide a research-backed solution for a world grappling with the consequences of a post-truth era.

2. Exploring Provenance as a Solution

In our quest to combat the rampant issue of misinformation and restore trust in the media, we turn our attention to Provenance — a concept deeply rooted in the Web3 context and empowered by blockchain technology. Provenance holds the key to transparency, traceability, and authenticity in the realm of media content.

2.1 Defining Provenance in the Web3 Context

Provenance, in the context of Web3 and blockchain technology, represents a revolutionary approach to establishing the origin, history, and authenticity of digital content. It transcends traditional methods of content verification by leveraging the immutable nature of blockchain ledgers and the power of cryptographic proofs. At its core, Provenance ensures that every piece of media content can be traced back to its source, providing unparalleled transparency and trustworthiness.

Provenance’s application extends far beyond simply tracking the creation and dissemination of media content; it offers a paradigm shift in how we perceive and interact with digital information.

2.2 Traceability and Transparency

At the heart of Provenance lies the remarkable ability to introduce traceability and transparency into the creation and distribution of media content. It acts as an incorruptible ledger, recording every step in the lifecycle of a piece of content — from its inception to its final publication. This traceability enables users to track content back to its origins, ensuring that they are fully aware of the source and its journey.

Imagine a world where every news article, video, or image can be followed along its path, with each modification or manipulation documented. Such transparency reshapes the media landscape, fostering an environment where accountability and credibility are paramount.

2.3 Verifying Authenticity

One of the most pressing challenges in today’s media landscape is the ability to distinguish between authentic and fabricated content. Misinformation thrives on the ease with which malicious actors can create convincing yet entirely false narratives. This is where Provenance shines.

By harnessing the power of cryptographic proofs and blockchain technology, Provenance empowers users to verify the authenticity and credibility of news articles and media content. It provides an unforgeable record of a content piece’s journey, enabling individuals to ensure that what they consume is genuine and untainted by manipulation.

2.3.1 Case in Point: Combating Fake News with Provenance

Consider a scenario where a news article goes viral, claiming a major breakthrough in medical science. With Provenance, users can trace the article’s origin, examining the credentials of the author and the publication’s history. They can verify whether the claims made align with reputable sources and whether the content has undergone any unauthorized alterations. In essence, Provenance equips users with the tools to critically evaluate the authenticity of media content, reducing the susceptibility to misinformation.

2.4 Numbers Protocol: Enhancing Provenance with Authenticity

As we delve deeper into the realm of Provenance, one pioneering solution emerges as a beacon of authenticity — Numbers Protocol.

Numbers Protocol is a decentralized blockchain platform dedicated to preserving the authenticity of photos and videos through a fusion of blockchain technology, cryptography, and artificial intelligence.

2.4.1 The Four Pillars of Numbers Protocol

Numbers Protocol’s effectiveness in enhancing Provenance lies in its four fundamental components:

  • Capture Process: The Capture process records intricate metadata associated with a photo or video, including the date and time of creation, camera settings, and the location where it was captured. This meticulous recording ensures a comprehensive record of the content’s origin.
  • Seal Process: The Seal process goes a step further, cryptographically binding the metadata to the photo or video. This unbreakable seal ensures that the content’s history remains tamper-proof and its authenticity is unquestionable.
  • Trace Process: The Trace process serves as the gateway for anyone to verify the authenticity of a photo or video. By cross-referencing the metadata with blockchain records, users can confidently determine the content’s legitimacy.
  • Provenance System: The Provenance system stores a comprehensive history of ownership and usage for each photo or video. This ledger of ownership changes ensures that every user’s interaction with the content is meticulously recorded.

With Numbers Protocol at the forefront, Provenance evolves into a formidable shield against misinformation and fake news. It establishes a new era of media content authenticity, empowering individuals to discern fact from fiction and ultimately restore trust in the digital information landscape.

The preceding sections have underscored the grave challenges posed by the erosion of privacy and the manipulation of personal data. In this context, Numbers Protocol emerges as a potential solution that warrants exploration.

Numbers Protocol, within the realm of Web3 and blockchain technology, offers a promising avenue to address these issues. By utilizing blockchain’s inherent security features and cryptographic techniques, Numbers Protocol aims to safeguard the authenticity of digital media and protect user privacy. Here’s how Numbers Protocol can mitigate the threats highlighted:

The Cambridge Analytica Scandal:

  • Data Security: Numbers Protocol employs robust cryptographic methods to secure user data, making it significantly harder for unauthorized access and misuse.
  • User Consent: Through transparent and immutable consent mechanisms, Numbers Protocol can ensure that users have full control over their data, reducing the risk of unauthorized data harvesting.
  • Data Verification: Numbers Protocol can provide users with tools to verify the authenticity and integrity of the data they encounter, helping to combat misinformation and manipulation.

By integrating Numbers Protocol into the digital landscape, we can potentially mitigate the threats to privacy and manipulation outlined in these sections.

In addressing the pervasive issue of microtargeting and its impact on privacy, Numbers Protocol presents a valuable toolset for users to regain control over their personal information:

The Intrusive Nature of Microtargeting:

  • Data Ownership: Numbers Protocol enables users to assert ownership of their data, making it harder for third parties to exploit personal information without explicit consent.
  • Transparency and Accountability: Through blockchain’s transparent ledger, users can trace the use of their data, ensuring accountability for any misuse.
  • Data Minimization: Numbers Protocol promotes the principle of data minimization, advocating for the collection and retention of only essential information, reducing the potential for invasive microtargeting.

By incorporating Numbers Protocol into the digital landscape, individuals gain the means to protect their privacy and reduce susceptibility to manipulative microtargeting practices. This represents a significant step toward mitigating the threats highlighted earlier and reinforcing user agency in the digital sphere.

3. Challenges and Considerations

As we navigate the promising landscape of Provenance, it’s crucial to acknowledge the challenges and ethical considerations that accompany the quest for authenticity in media content. While these technologies hold immense potential, they are not without their complexities and hurdles. Some of these challenges and considerations include:

3.1 Ethical Concerns and Privacy

In the pursuit of transparency and authenticity, implementing Provenance in media content comes with a set of ethical concerns and privacy considerations. While the goal is to combat misinformation, it’s crucial to strike a balance between transparency and safeguarding user privacy.

  • The Transparency-Privacy Dilemma: In the pursuit of unassailable authenticity, one must grapple with the ethical dilemma of balancing transparency with safeguarding user privacy. Provenance thrives on the principle of full disclosure, meticulously recording the origins and transformations of media content. However, this transparency often collides with the imperative to protect user data and privacy.

The very nature of Provenance requires the collection and storage of metadata, including the date, time, and location of content creation. While this metadata is essential for verification, it raises concerns about user consent and data ownership. Striking the right balance between the transparency of content and the privacy of users is a complex and ongoing challenge.

3.2 Adoption Hurdles and Industry Resistance

While Provenance offers promising solutions to combat misinformation and restore trust in media, it faces several adoption hurdles and industry resistance that must be addressed for their widespread implementation.

  • The Challenge of Integration: Integrating Provenance solutions provided by products like Numbers Protocol into the established processes of media organizations is a formidable task. Media outlets, both traditional and digital, must reevaluate their workflows to accommodate these new technologies. This can be a disruptive and resource-intensive endeavor, and resistance to change may emerge.
  • Industry Inertia: The media industry, like any other, is not immune to inertia. Established players may resist the adoption of Provenance due to vested interests or concerns about the potential disruption of their existing business models. Convincing media giants to embrace these technologies and relinquish certain levels of control is a formidable challenge.

3.3 Overcoming Technological Barriers

While Provenance holds great promise for enhancing the credibility and authenticity of digital media, there are significant technological barriers that must be overcome to ensure its successful implementation on a broader scale.

  • Scalability and Technological Limitations: Although Provenance offers a path to authenticity, it is not without technological limitations. Scalability remains a significant concern, especially as the volume of media content continues to explode. The current blockchain infrastructure faces challenges in handling the vast amount of data generated daily.
  • The Need for Technological Advancements: Addressing scalability and technological limitations requires ongoing research and innovation. The blockchain and cryptographic technologies that underpin these solutions must evolve to meet the demands of a media landscape in constant flux. Fortunately, the tech community is actively working on solutions to enhance scalability and efficiency.

Amid these challenges and considerations, the quest for authenticity in media content persists. Provenance represents promising steps toward a more transparent and trustworthy information landscape. However, as we navigate the road ahead, it’s essential to approach these technologies with a keen awareness of the ethical and practical complexities they entail. Only through a balanced and thoughtful approach can we truly transform the way we perceive, share, and trust digital media.

4. The Path Forward with Provenance

As we navigate the complexities of misinformation and the pursuit of authentic media content, the path forward is illuminated by collaborative efforts, education, and a commitment to rebuilding trust in our information sources.

4.1 Collaborative Efforts Among Stakeholders

In the quest to harness the potential of Provenance and the solution offered by Numbers Protocol in combating misinformation and restoring trust in media, collaborative efforts among a diverse range of stakeholders are paramount. Such collaborations include:

4.1.1 A Collective Responsibility

Restoring trust in media is not the responsibility of a single entity; it’s a collective endeavor that requires the active participation of various stakeholders. Media organizations, technology companies, blockchain developers, and even governments must come together to implement Provenance effectively.

Collaboration can involve:

  • Standardization: Establishing industry-wide standards for implementing Provenance to ensure consistency and interoperability.
  • Sharing Best Practices: Media organizations sharing their experiences and best practices for integrating these technologies into their workflows.
  • Government Support: Governments can play a role by creating a regulatory environment that encourages transparency and authenticity in media content.

4.1.2 The Power of Decentralization

One of the strengths of blockchain technology, which underpins Provenance and the unique solution of Numbers Protocol, is its inherently decentralized nature. Distributing trust across a network reduces reliance on centralized authorities and empowers individuals. Embracing this decentralized ethos can lead to more transparent and trustworthy media ecosystems.

4.2 Empowering Media Consumers with Education

Empowering media consumers with education is a critical component of the path forward in utilizing Provenance to combat misinformation. It involves equipping individuals with the knowledge and skills needed to navigate the digital information landscape effectively and make informed judgments about media content.

The Role of Media Literacy

Media literacy is at the heart of empowering media consumers. It encompasses a range of skills and competencies, including:

  • Critical Thinking: Teaching individuals to critically evaluate media content, discerning between reliable sources and misinformation.
  • Source Verification: Providing tools and techniques to verify the authenticity of news articles, images, and videos.
  • Digital Literacy: Enhancing digital literacy skills to navigate online platforms and understand the algorithms that influence content visibility.
  • Civic Engagement: Encouraging active civic participation by educating individuals on the role of media in democracy and the importance of responsible information sharing.
  • Raise Awareness of Manipulation: Educate the public about the tactics used to manipulate opinions and behaviors.

Strategies for Media Literacy

Efforts to empower media consumers with education can take various forms:

  • School Curriculum: Integrating media literacy education into school curricula to reach young learners and prepare them for responsible digital citizenship.
  • Community Workshops: Hosting workshops and seminars in communities to educate adults and seniors about media literacy and digital skills.
  • Online Resources: Providing easily accessible online resources, including fact-checking tools and guides on media literacy.
  • Collaborative Initiatives: Collaborating with media organizations, tech companies, and civil society to promote media literacy campaigns.
  • Inclusive Approach: Ensuring that media literacy efforts are inclusive and accessible to individuals from diverse backgrounds and demographics.

By empowering media consumers with education, we can create a more informed and discerning public that is less susceptible to the pitfalls of misinformation. It is a collective effort that involves educators, media organizations, and society as a whole working together to build a resilient and critically thinking citizenry.

The Responsibility of Digital Citizenship

In an age where information flows freely and swiftly, digital citizenship is a responsibility that falls upon each of us. Being a responsible digital citizen means not only consuming media critically but also contributing to a trustworthy online environment. Encouraging respectful discourse, reporting misinformation, and promoting factual content are essential aspects of digital citizenship.

Conclusion: The Potential of Provenance in Media

In conclusion, Provenance represents a significant step forward in addressing the pervasive issue of misinformation and restoring trust in the media. By leveraging blockchain technology, cryptography, and artificial intelligence, this solution offers transparency, traceability, and authenticity in media content.

As we’ve explored in this article:

  • Misinformation is a pervasive issue in today’s digital age, impacting society in profound ways.
  • Provenance within the context of Web3 and the pioneering solution of Numbers Protocol can combat misinformation by providing transparency and authenticity.
  • Challenges, including ethical concerns, adoption hurdles, and technological limitations, must be addressed.
  • Collaborative efforts among stakeholders and media literacy initiatives can empower us to combat misinformation effectively.

The potential of Provenance in media is substantial, but it requires collective action and a commitment to responsible digital citizenship. As informed consumers and active participants in the information ecosystem, we each have a role to play in promoting trustworthy information sources and reshaping the media landscape for the better. It’s a journey that begins with awareness, education, and a shared vision of a more transparent and authentic media future.



Egbe Galason
Numbers Protocol

Mechanical Engineer Graduate & Web3 Expert, Numbers Protocol Content Overseer, ex-Binance Affiliate Content Creator, Tech Writer.