How to move $NUM from Bep20 & ERC 20 to Mainnet using both CEX & DEX

Egbe Galason
Numbers Protocol
Published in
16 min readApr 24, 2023


In recent times, blockchain technology has seen an enormous boom, and cryptocurrency has become a mainstream term. Cryptocurrency offers a decentralized financial ecosystem and enables users to have complete control over their money without any intermediaries. One such cryptocurrency, the Numbers token (NUM), has gained significant popularity in recent times.

It operates on both the Binance Smart Chain (BSC) and Ethereum blockchains, which means that it has a BEP20 and an ERC20 token.

However, as a community member, you may want to join the staking on the Numbers Mainnet, which requires you to move your NUM tokens from Bep20 & ERC20 to Mainnet. This article will guide you on how to do so using both Centralized (CEX) and Decentralized (DEX) platforms such as, XY finance, and Lbank.

Additionally, we will also discuss the process of bridging and swapping NUM tokens via these platforms, ensuring a seamless and effortless experience for you. So, if your NUM tokens are on exchanges such as Kucoin, Huobi,, or MEXC, this article will help you transfer them to the Numbers Mainnet with ease.

Table of Contents:

I. Overview of Numbers Mainnet (Jade)

· How to Set Up MetaMask for the Numbers Mainnet (Jade)

· Advantages of using Numbers Mainnet (Jade)

· Brief explanation of bridging and swapping

·Platforms that currently support NUM Mainnet

II. Moving NUM from BEP20 & ERC20 to Mainnet using Centralized Exchanges (CEX)

· Step-by-step guide on how to transfer NUM using Huobi, KuCoin,, and MEXC

· Comparison of fees and minimum withdrawable amount for each exchange

III. Moving NUM from BEP20 & ERC20 to Mainnet using Decentralized Exchanges (DEX)

· Overview of XY Finance

· Step-by-step guide on how to use XY Finance (DEX) platform to move bnb-NUM to Mainnet Num

· Step-by-step guide on how to use XY Finance (DEX) platform to move NUM ERC20 to Mainnet

IV. Conclusion

I. Overview of the Numbers Mainnet (Jade)

The first section of this article will provide steps on how to add NUM Mainnet using Metamask and then a short description of the advantages of using Num Mainnet. Additionally, this section will provide a brief explanation of bridging and swapping, which are essential processes involved in transferring NUM tokens.

How to Set Up MetaMask for the Numbers Mainnet (Jade)

To view your assets on Numbers on MetaMask, you’ll need to configure/add Numbers Mainnet (Jade) first. Just follow the steps below:

  • Connect your Metamask account to Chainlist and follow the prompt
  • Once you have connected your wallet and add the mainnet NUM network, you’ll then be connected to the Numbers Mainnet (Jade).

Advantages of using Num Mainnet (Jade)

The NUM Token is the native token of the Numbers Protocol, which is utilized for registration, transactions, and various platform functions. It operates on both the Binance Smart Chain (BSC) and Ethereum blockchains, which means that it has two versions of its token: BEP20 and ERC20. As a result, users may hold NUM tokens in either of these forms.

The Numbers Mainnet (Jade) offers several advantages, including faster transaction speeds, increased security, and access to additional features that are not available on the BEP20 & ERC20 versions of the NUM token.

Additionally, transferring NUM tokens to Mainnet is necessary for you to participate in staking, which allows you to lock up your tokens to support the network and earn rewards in return.

The Mainnet is designed to support the entire lifecycle of digital assets, including smart contract support for asset monetization, NFT minting, royalty distribution, and more.

Brief Explanation of Bridging and Swapping

Bridging and swapping are two essential processes that are used to transfer NUM tokens from BEP20 & ERC20 to Mainnet.

Bridging refers to the process of moving tokens from one blockchain to another while swapping refers to exchanging one token for another. These processes are essential as they enable you to transfer your tokens seamlessly and effortlessly.

Platforms that Currently Support NUM Mainnet

The Numbers Mainnet (Jade) is currently supported by two(2) centralized exchanges (CEX) which are and LBank ; and one (1) decentralized exchange which is XY Finance.

Platforms that currently support Num Mainnet

II. Moving NUM from BEP20 & ERC20 to Mainnet using Centralized Exchanges (CEX)

The second section of this article will provide a step-by-step guide on how to move NUM tokens from BEP20 & ERC20 to Mainnet using Centralized Exchanges (CEX). We will specifically focus on four exchanges: Kucoin, Huobi,, and MEXC. While also pointing out that there are currently two exchanges that support NUM mainnet, which are and LBank.

Additionally, we will compare the fees and transaction speed for each exchange to help users make an informed decision.

Let’s get started…

NUM token trading pairs available on various CEX

Moving NUM BEP20 and ERC20 tokens to NUM Mainnet using Centralized Exchanges (CEX) can be done in several simple steps. Here are the steps to follow for different scenarios:

a) Moving NUM tokens from Huobi to NUM Mainnet using Exchange

Step 1: Create an account on

Create an account on exchange and complete the verification process.

Step 2: Buy NUM Tokens

Huobi currently supports only the ERC20 NUM network. So, go to the market section of the KuCoin and search for the NUM token. Select the NUM/USDT trading pair, and place an order for the amount of NUM tokens you want to buy.

Step 3: Deposit NUM Tokens into

Go to the deposit section of and select the NUM token, then choose ERC20 network that’s currently supported on Huobi.

Copy your NUM wallet address and transfer your NUM tokens from Huobi to

Step 4: Convert to Mainnet

Once your NUM tokens are in the wallet that supports NUM Mainnet, they will be automatically converted to the Mainnet.

Step 5: Withdraw NUM Tokens

Go to the withdrawal section of, select the NUM token, and choose the Mainnet network. Enter your NUM Mainnet wallet address you have setup on Metamask and the amount of NUM tokens you want to withdraw. Verify the transaction and submit it. will then transfer your NUM tokens to your Mainnet wallet you have setup on Metamask.

b) Moving NUM tokens from KuCoin to NUM Mainnet using LBank Exchange

Step 1: Create an account on LBank

Create an account on LBank exchange and complete the verification process.

Step 2: Buy NUM Tokens

KuCoin currently supports only the BEP20 NUM network. So, if you already have NUM token in your KuCoin account, then move to the next step.

Otherwise, Go to the market section of the exchange and search for the NUM token. Select the NUM/USDT trading pair, and place an order for the amount of NUM tokens you want to buy.

Step 3: Deposit NUM Tokens into LBank

Deposit into your Lbank account

Go to the deposit section of LBank, select the NUM token, then choose the BEP20 network that’s currently supported on KuCoin.

Copy your LBank NUM wallet address and transfer your NUM tokens from KuCoin to LBank.

Withdrawing NUM bsc from KuCoin

Step 4: Convert to Mainnet

Once your NUM tokens are in the LBank wallet that supports NUM Mainnet, they will be automatically converted to the Mainnet.

Step 5: Withdraw NUM Tokens

Withdraw NUM tokens from LBank by selecting NUM token in the withdrawal section, choosing the Mainnet network, entering your NUM Mainnet wallet address on Metamask, specifying the amount, verifying and submitting the transaction. LBank will transfer the tokens to your Metamask Mainnet wallet.

You can also stake on KuCoin (being a CEX) to enjoy an APR of 15% (excluding POL mining)

c) Moving NUM tokens from to NUM Mainnet using Exchange

Step 1: Create an account on

Create an account on exchange and complete the verification process.

Step 2: Buy NUM Tokens currently supports NUM ERC20 network. If you already have NUM token in your account, then move to the next step.

Otherwise, Go to the market section of the exchange and search for the NUM token. Select the NUM/USDT trading pair, and place an order for the amount of NUM tokens you want to buy.

Step 3: Deposit NUM Tokens

Go to the deposit section of and select the NUM ERC20 network that is currently supported on

Copy your NUM wallet address and transfer your NUM tokens from to

Step 4: Convert to Mainnet

Once your NUM tokens are in the wallet that supports NUM Mainnet, they will be automatically converted to the Mainnet.

Step 5: Withdraw NUM Mainnet Tokens

Go to the withdrawal section of, select the NUM token, and choose the Mainnet network. Enter your NUM Mainnet wallet address you have setup on Metamask and the amount of NUM tokens you want to withdraw. Verify the transaction and submit it. will then transfer your NUM Mainnet tokens to your Mainnet wallet you have setup on Metamask.

d) Moving NUM tokens from MEXC to NUM Mainnet using Exchange

Step 1: Create an account on

Create an account on exchange and complete the verification process.

Step 2: Buy NUM Tokens

If you already have NUM token in your MEXC account, then move to the next step. Otherwise, Go to the market section of the MEXC exchange and search for the NUM token. Select the NUM/USDT trading pair, and place an order for the amount of NUM tokens you want to buy.

Step 3: Deposit NUM Tokens

MEXC currently support both BEP20 and ERC20 NUM networks. Go to the deposit section of and select the either the BEP20 or ERC20 NUM network, which are currently supported on the MEXC Exchange.

Copy your NUM wallet address and transfer your NUM tokens from MEXC to

Step 4: Convert to Mainnet

Once your NUM tokens are in the wallet that supports NUM Mainnet, they will be automatically converted to the Mainnet.

Step 5: Withdraw NUM Mainnet Tokens

Go to the withdrawal section of, select the NUM token, and choose the Mainnet network. Enter your NUM Mainnet wallet address you have setup on Metamask and the amount of NUM tokens you want to withdraw. Verify the transaction and submit it. will then transfer your NUM Mainnet tokens to your Mainnet wallet you have setup on Metamask.

Let’s assume that your NUM tokens are on exchanges such as Kucoin(that supports only BSC network), Huobi (that supports only ERC20), (that supports ERC20), or MEXC (that supports both BEP20 and ERC20 networks). This will mean withdrawing your Num token from those exchanges to either of the two (2) exchanges (which are and LBank) that currently support Numbers Mainnet (Jade).

As soon as you deposit your NUM token to either or LBank, your BEP20 or ERC20 NUM tokens will be automatically converted to the Mainnet. currently supports NUM in the BEP20, ERC20 and Mainnet networks. While LBank supports NUM in the BEP20 and Mainnet networks.

Comparison of Fees and Minimum Withdrawal Amount for Different Exchanges

In terms of fees and minimum amount of NUM token you can withdraw, each exchange has different rates and amount. Withdrawal fees for different exchanges are as follows:

KuCoin— BEP20 –7 NUM

 — ERC20 –203 NUM— Mainnet — 50 NUM

— BEP20 –25 NUM

— ERC20–240 NUM

Houbi— ERC20– 237 NUM

LBank— Mainnet — 20 NUM

— BEP20 –40 NUM

The Minimum withdrawal amount for different exchanges are as follows:

KuCoin — 15 NUM (BEP20)

MEXC — 2 NUM (BEP20)

— 40 NUM (ERC20) — 0.1 NUM (Mainnet)

— 0.1 NUM (BEP20)

— 0.1 NUM (ERC20)

Houbi — 268 NUM (ERC20)

LBank — NUM (Mainnet)

— NUM (BEP20)

III. Moving NUM from BEP20 & ERC20 to Mainnet using Decentralized Exchanges (DEX)

The third section of this article will provide a step-by-step guide on how to move NUM tokens from BEP20 & ERC20 to Mainnet using Decentralized Exchanges (DEX). Specifically, we will focus on using the bridge and swap functions on the XY finance platform.

How To Bridge NUM tokens from BEP20 & ERC20 To Mainnet NUM Using XY Finance

XY Finance is a cross-chain interoperability protocol that is capable of bridging different blockchains and enabling value to flow freely across them. It is an efficient, secure, and cost-effective solution for users who wish to transfer assets across multiple chains.

XY Finance scenario where the token is deployed on multiple chains and intends to deploy on a new chain. Source: XY Finance Docs

a) Step-by-step guide on how to bridge NUM (BEP20) to Mainnet NUM

Currently, there is no support for bridging bnb-NUM directly to NUM mainnet. You will need to swap your bnb-NUM to ERC-NUM and then ERC-NUM to mainnet Num. To bridge your bnb-NUM to ERC-NUM, let’s walk you through the steps:

XY Finance

  1. Visit X Swap Page: First, you’ll need to go to the XY Finance Platform,, using your wallet address where you have your NUM (BEP20).

2. Connect Your Wallet: Connect your Web3 wallet through MetaMask or WalletConnect. Then connect your wallet to BNB network with XY Finance.

3. Select $NUM from Source Chain to Destination Chain:
Here, you are going to bridge $NUM from the BNB chain to ETH Chain.

So, select BNB as Source chain and choose bnb-NUM. See below

Select Ethereum as Destination chain and choose ERC-NUM. See below:

4. Enter the amount of $NUM you wish to bridge: Once this is done, simply select the amount of NUM (BEP20) tokens you want to bridge to ERC-NUM, and accept the transaction.

5. Click the “Approve to swap” Button: XY Finance will display your connected wallet address by default and it also allows you to change the recipient address. Click “Approve to Swap” when you are satisfied with every entry.

6. Sign the Message from Your Wallet: Sign the message from your wallet to give permission/ or confirm the transaction. Once the transaction is granted, XY Finance will send you a porting transaction.

7. Double Check Swap Details and Swap: Double-check to be sure that everything, like the Receiving wallet and the amount of NUM you wish to swap, is okay with you.

8. Wait for the transaction to be Completed: After approving the transaction, Wait For the Transaction to Be Completed. The time it takes will depend on the network’s congestion and the gas fees you paid.

Once confirmed, the NUM tokens will be available in your wallet as ERC-NUM.

9. Your Transaction Is Completed: Congratulations, you have successfully bridged your bnb-NUM to ERC-NUM seamlessly.

Minimum Swap Amount and Fee for Converting from BSC NUM to ERC-NUM on XY Finance

The minimum amount of tokens that can be swapped in the BEP20 network to convert to $NUM ERC should be equivalent to 30.0 USDT, which is approximately 750 $NUM. Additionally, the associated fee for converting tokens from the BEP20 network to $NUM mainnet num is almost equivalent to 1000 $NUM. This fee includes Bridge fees, Slippage, gas fees, and other associated costs.

See next step on swapping from ERC-NUM to mainnet Num.

b) Step-by-step guide on how to bridge NUM (ERC20) to Mainnet NUM

We assume that you already have NUM (ERC20) in your wallet. To bridge your NUM (ERC20) to Mainnet NUM, let’s walk you through the steps:

XY Finance

  1. Visit X Swap Page: First, you’ll need to go to the XY Finance Platform,, using the wallet address where you have your NUM (ERC20).

2. Connect Your Wallet: Connect your Web3 wallet through MetaMask or WalletConnect. Then connect your wallet to ETH network with XY Finance.

3. Select $NUM from Source Chain to Destination Chain:
Here, you are going to bridge $NUM from the Ethereum chain to Numbers Mainnet Jade.

So, select ETHEREUM as Source chain and choose NUM (ETH). See below:

Select Numbers as Destination chain and choose NUM (Numbers). See below:

You will be selecting the Numbers from the list of tokens and then select NUM.

4. Enter the amount of $NUM you wish to bridge: Once this is done, simply select the amount of NUM (ERC20) tokens you want to bridge to Mainnet NUM, and accept the transaction.

5. Click the “Approve to swap” Button: XY Finance will display your connected wallet address by default and it also allows you to change the recipient address. Click “Approve to Swap”.

6. Sign the Message from Your Wallet: Sign the message from your wallet to give permission/ or confirm the transaction. Once the transaction is granted, XY Finance will send you a porting transaction.

7. Double Check Swap Details and Swap: Double-check to be sure that everything, like the Receiving wallet and the amount of NUM you wish to swap, is okay with you.

8. Wait for the transaction to be Completed: After approving the transaction, Wait For the Transaction to Be Completed. The time it takes will depend on the network’s congestion and the gas fees you paid.

Once confirmed, the NUM tokens will be available in your Mainnet wallet.

9. Your Transaction Is Completed: Congratulations, you have successfully bridged your $NUM from the Ethereum chain to the Numbers chain seamlessly.

10. Check The Vault For All Transactions: You can track all your transactions in the Vault on the top-right corner of the web page. *As the data is saved in the cache, do note that if you use different devices with the same wallet address, it will only show the transactions completed on that device.

You should note that there may be fees associated with bridging NUM tokens on XY finance. These fees may vary depending on the network’s congestion and the amount of tokens being bridged.

Bridging NUM tokens on XY finance is a straightforward process that can be completed in just a few steps. You should ensure that you have sufficient funds to cover any fees and always double-check your transaction details before submitting. By following the steps outlined in this section, you can successfully bridge your NUM tokens to the Mainnet using XY finance.


We discussed the advantages of the mainnet NUM and how to add it to Metamask. We also considered the two methods for moving NUM tokens to Mainnet. The first method involves using CEX platforms like Kucoin, Huobi,, or MEXC. After creating an account, completing verification and buying NUM tokens, withdraw them to either or LBank that support NUM Mainnet. Fees and transaction speed should be considered.

The second method involves using DEX platforms such as XY Finance. Deposit your NUM tokens in the platform’s wallet, connect your wallet, and use the bridge or swap function to move your tokens to Mainnet. Fees and transaction speed vary depending on the specific platform used.

Finally, it is recommended that you double-check your transaction details before submitting to ensure that everything is correct.

By following the step-by-step guides provided in each section you can ensure a smooth and error-free transferring, bridging and swapping of your NUM tokens to the Mainnet.



Egbe Galason
Numbers Protocol

Mechanical Engineer Graduate & Web3 Expert, Numbers Protocol Content Overseer, ex-Binance Affiliate Content Creator, Tech Writer.