Numbers Testnet(Snow) Public Campaign-Phase 1

Numbers Protocol
Published in
4 min readSep 21, 2022

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Numbers Protocol has grown tremendously since its inception in 2019, and we can not go this far without our community. We’re thrilled to invite our active Numbers community to participate in Testnet (Snow)!

To incentive more community members to try the Testnet (Snow) and move us one step closer to launching Mainnet (Jade) in the near future, here comes Numbers Testnet (Snow) Public Campaign!

To help the dev team better check the performance of Testnet(Snow), the campaign will separate into different phases, we will update this article and share the news on our social media channels when the next phase comes out!

Phase 1: Get Ready for Testnet (Snow)

Phase 1 testing period: Sep 21 ~ Sep 30, 2022

Step 1. Connect your Metamask wallet to Testnet (Snow)

  • If you have not done so already, navigate to MetaMask website to download MetaMask Wallet Internet Browser Extension.
  • Once download is complete and initial wallet setup or wallet import setup is complete, click on the circle icon in the top right corner and navigate to “Settings”.
  • Navigate to “Networks” and Click on “Add a network”.
  • Insert Network Details (See Below) and Click “Save” to add Numbers (Snow).

Network Details (Testnet):
- Network Name: Numbers Snow
- New RPC URL:
- Chain ID: 10508
- Currency Symbol: NUM
- Block Explorer:

  • Congrats! You successfully added Numbers Snow to MetaMask!

Step 2. Get NUM test tokens

To officially try out Numbers Snow you will need testnet tokens. To acquire some you request some tokens from the faucet.

  • Under “Select Network” choose “Numbers Testnet”.
  • Connect your MetaMask and click “Request 2 NUM”. A successful request will result in your MetaMask NUM balance increasing by 2 NUM.
  • Congrats you have successfully acquired NUM. You are now ready to interact with Numbers testnet!

Step 3. Send a small amount of NUM to at least 3 different wallet addresses of your friends.

*Suggest sending 0.01~0.1 NUM to each of your friends, keep some for the upcoming phases ;)!

Step 4. Check out your transactions on Numbers explorer to check if the transaction was sent successfully.

Step 5. Submit bugs or suggestions via the form here. Your feedback is valuable as it helps us to improve Numbers Network!

Step 6. Keep an eye on Numbers social channel to get the next phase’s task!

Community Incentives for Phase 1

  • 20 randomly selected users from the transaction pool share a 200 USDC reward pool.
  • 3 users who provide detailed feedback or find the issue can get 20 USDC each as a reward.
  • Winners will be announced on social media channels after the testing period ends. And the new phase will release after Sep 30.

Phase 1 testing period: Sep 21 ~ Sep 30, 2022


Winner for Phase 1 (Annouced on Oct. 5)

  • Randomly selected winner — 10 USDC/winner
  • Detail feedback winner — 20 USDC

The reward will distribute directly to your wallet after 14 workdays. Thankyou for helping with the testing!

About Numbers Protocol

Numbers is building a decentralized photo network for creating community, value, and trust in digital media. Its Numbers Protocol redefines digital visual media as assets and is the backbone of a suite of tools for registering and retrieving images and videos in the Numbers network.

These include:

  • Capture App: The first blockchain camera in the world that users can easily register photos and use Web3.0 applications.
  • Numbers API: Developers and enterprises can implement Numbers API to register photos and access their Web3.0 addresses and certificates.
  • Certificates: content authenticity certificates with on-chain provenance
  • CaptureClub: Native NFT marketplace allows photo generators to sell and stake their creations.
  • Numbers Search Engine: The first Web3.0 NFT search engine that helps users verify the history of NFTs and prevent potential NFT fraud.

Numbers champion the purity of digital media and enable people to think more critically about the interactions between our images and the world around us. The goal of Numbers is to tokenize authentic photos (including images and videos) to create a decentralized photo network in Web3.0.

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Numbers Protocol ;Decentralized Photo Network for Web 3.0 For creating community, value, and trust in digital media.