November 2018 Updates

Eric Feng
Published in
2 min readNov 6, 2018

First off, thanks to everyone who supported us in hitting #1 on Product Hunt for our 2.0 launch. To those of you who just signed up, welcome! We (try to) do these updates once a month with the latest and greatest of Numeracy.

SSH tunneling

You can now connect to MySQL or Postgres databases via SSH tunneling. Unlike Redshift or BigQuery, production databases and in particular MySQL instances are often deployed behind a firewall and accessed via an SSH tunnel. To connect, add our public key and provide us the SSH connection hostname.

BigQuery date-sharded table support

Before partitioning became available, early BigQuery customers date-sharded their tables. Our schema browser and autocomplete both take date-sharded tables into account, not only collapsing date-sharded tables, but splitting them by schemas if your schema has deviated over time. Thanks to our friends at Streak for this idea!

JOIN autocomplete

Autocomplete just got a little bit better. In addition to keyword, table, and column autocompletion, we now suggest ON clauses based on identical column names or potential foreign keys. JOIN us in thanking our friends at Figma for the suggestion!

Comma-aware SQL comments

When you comment out columns, Numeracy strips out unnecessary trailing commas. Numeracy always had a keyboard shortcut Cmd+/ (or Ctrl+/ on Windows) for toggling comments. When commenting out columns, you can find yourself with trailing commas and an all-too-familiar syntax error at or near “from” message. This caused a small holy war which our new feature unquestionably, unerringly, and indisputably resolves. You’re welcome.

Improvements to stacked bar charts

Stacked bar charts are now stacked to have the series with the largest volume at the bottom instead of completely randomly, which people seem to prefer.

As always, thanks for following along. A lot of these features came directly from users, so if you like what we’re doing or have ideas on what we should do next, let us know what you think!


Follow @numeracyco on Twitter.

