Rallying the Numerati

Published in
4 min readMar 5, 2020


“Veritas Numquam Perit” — Seneca

The launch of Erasure Bay is just around the corner. This is Erasure’s first application for the masses. A marketplace for information of any kind. Now we turn to you, our amazing community. At last, it is time to sign up, share the word, and think about which Truths you want to make eternal.

Get Involved

Erasure Bay

Erasure Bay allows you to get from never having touched crypto to making a request for information on a decentralized data marketplace in 5 clicks. We truly designed it to work for any kind of information. This means it’s up to early users like you to think about creative requests and guide the future of the application. Once launched, Erasure Bay is in the hands of the community.

If you could request any information, what would it be?

  1. Join the waitlist today: signup.erasurebay.org
  2. Prepare a list of requests
  3. Share the word: #erasureworld

Community Content

When people look at Numerai today, all they see a quirky machine learning hedge fund. Not everyone gets it. But you do.

You see that the internet is fundamentally broken. You see a team who’s built a protocol to fix it. You see proof that it works because of a hedge fund called Numerai.

Starting with Erasure Bay, NMR can now be used to value knowledge through free-markets rather than centralized tech companies.

We recognize that many of you have been following Erasure for some time and have deep knowledge about the potential of #erasureworld. By creating content, you can help us fix the internet.

Here are some examples we really liked.

Erasure explained with magical animals by Oliver Bruce

Erasure Bay Art by Ørjan Røren


$NMR Analysis by Thibault Bonnivard

Numeraire needed to be created (you can’t burn DAI). As a result, it’s one of the most used token on Ethereum, with a nice growth trend of the stakes (about half a million dollars as of today). Staked amounts can’t be compared with traditional DeFi protocols such as Maker where people stake for a yield. Indeed, on Erasure, the money is at risk and stakers provide very valuable value.

Erasure for Pandemic Prevention by Ryan @ Crypto Blox

Imagine these people could get out the real data, anonymously and with rewards for accuracy. Would that have helped stop the spread? Would that have helped other countries prepare and implement proper controls?

Undoubtedly yes.

February in Numbers

Stakes have continued to grow steadily in February.


You can now keep track of how much USD is locked up on Erasure and see the #augurflippening on DefiPulse.


Bittrex has added NMR/ETH and NMR/USDT trading pairs on US and Global exchange.

Things move quickly and it can be hard to keep track of all these numbers. You can find all official metrics here: hackmd.io/@thegostep/rkotZOuzU

Pushing UX to new heights

A few weeks ago, Authereum went live and they announced Erasure Bay as a launch partner. We share their vision for pushing Web3 UX to new heights and have been working hard with them to make it a reality. For Erasure to reach its full potential, we need it to be a delightful experience. With Authereum and several other great projects, we are nearly there.

Here are some exciting Authereum features:

  • Free Transactions — No gas fees, ever
  • Minimal Clicks — Only confirm critical transactions
  • Fiat to Dai — Everything in USD with Apple Pay and Google Pay
  • Batched Transaction — Approve… Transfer… is a thing of the past
  • Key Recovery — Self custody without worry
  • Username and Password — Use what is familiar

We even built out a feature of our own which any dApp developer can use.

  • Twitter Login — Automatically use twitter handle and picture on any dApp

Protocol Releases

v1.3.0 of the Erasure Protocol is now deployed to the ethereum mainnet. This release enables staking and payments in DAI with NMR as source of scarcity. DAI stakes are converted to NMR on Uniswap to perform a burn.


We are on the lookout for elite talent to help on our mission to fix the internet.


General: Telegram / Rocket.Chat — Technical: Telegram / Rocket.Chat

