Hello, Again, Medium.

Numeric Citizen
Numeric Citizen Journeys
2 min readAug 15, 2024


I’ve been considering a potential return to Medium after nearly two years of absence. Hint: I’ve maintained my account. Just in case. I know myself very well.

I have written and shared 133 stories here, many of which were selected for publication in various Medium publications. I was previously a paying member and part of the Partner Program, which helped me gain close to 800 followers. Additionally, I even earned some income through Medium, typically covering my membership costs. However, if I were to return, it would not be solely for financial reasons. Rather, it would be to support a platform that I once enjoyed and to expand my channels for expressing my thoughts. I may have forgotten the initial reasons for my departure, but ultimately, does it matter? I don’t believe so.

Two years later, my interests remain largely unchanged: Apple, photography, software, design, and the modern digital world. However, other aspects have shifted, such as maintaining distance from Meta, Google, and X. I’m a firm believer in the principles of the open web, and I believe the Fediverse could be a promising solution as the best enabler of this vision. Now, more than ever, we need an open web, and I’m eager to contribute, while Medium wants to be a good Fediverse citizen, why not be part of this?

So, here I am. Again.

Now, tell me, via a thumbs up, a comment, if this is something that you would like me to do: say Hello, Again, Medium.



Numeric Citizen
Numeric Citizen Journeys

Compulsive creator and contributor. Digital nomad. Light painter. Soon freelancer? So many things to do, so little time.