Numeric Citizen
1 min readFeb 19, 2021


Friday Notes #11 — Digital gardens are cool. It’s only recently that I discovered the concept of a digital garden. I was following a Slack discussion about Craft workflows. Someone was mentioning that she was using Craft in part to maintain a digital garden. Craft, a newcomer in the space of note-taking applications, seems the perfect tool for such a project. It is super easy to publish a page just by sharing a secret link.

Digital gardens are online places to keep pieces of information in a semi-structured fashion. They fit between well-structured timeline-based blogs and unstructured numeric artifacts. Like natural gardens, their digital counterparts are unique from one person to the other and keep growing over time with new knowledge tidbits linked together to form some kind of web.

I find the concept of digital gardens to be super cool. I just got an idea.



Numeric Citizen

Long time blogger about #apple #photography #privacy, #climatechange and some more.