Introducing NuNet Research: Pioneering the Future of Decentralized Computing

Jennifer Bourke
Published in
3 min readNov 22, 2023
Introducing NuNet Research: Pioneering the Future of Decentralized Computing

Greetings NuNetopians,

We are excited to announce the formation of an internal research group at NuNet: NuNet Research. This specialized team is dedicated to advancing the frontiers of decentralized computing, focusing on both the core platform and innovative use-cases. NuNet Research is organized into distinct areas of focus, each contributing to the evolution of our platform.

**Please note that we are not necessarily implementing all of these options, they’re just options to research**

Core Platform: Building the Backbone of NuNet

The Core Platform team is the foundation of NuNet Research, concentrating on the essential components required for the platform’s optimal functionality. Their ongoing efforts include:

Distributed Computing at Scale

Job Completion Verifiability / “Proof of Completion”: Ensuring the reliability and trustworthiness of completed jobs. Including:

  • Job Replication with Validator Nodes: Enhancing the integrity and reliability of job processing.
  • Collateral for Compute Providers: Implementing mechanisms for provider accountability and network security.
  • Zero Knowledge Proofs: Incorporating advanced cryptographic methods for privacy-preserving computations.

☞ Benchmarking / Measurement of Resources: Developing accurate and efficient methods for resource assessment.

☞ Tokenomics conducting research on:

  • Effective search and match mechanisms
  • Incentive design for optimal functioning of platform and security against malicious actors
  • Monetary and fiscal mechanisms for ecosystem growth and stability

☞ Decentralized Identity Management: Developing a self sovereign identity framework for the platform users and components

Use-cases and Features: Expanding Horizons

Our Use-cases and Features team is tasked with exploring and developing new functionalities that extend the capabilities of the NuNet platform. Their current projects include:

IP over Libp2p: Facilitating jobs running on multiple machines with a unified IP interface — a feature that would allow traditional use-cases to easily adapt to NuNet’s infrastructure.

Distributed ML jobs: A use-case innovating in the domain of distributed machine learning.

Splitting Computing (e.g., Horovod): Enhancing the efficiency of distributed computing tasks.

Splitting Data and Merging Outputs Recursively: Optimizing data processing in a decentralized environment.

LLMs (Large Language Models): Leveraging the power of advanced language models in a decentralized setup.

Reputation System: Establishing a trust framework within the NuNet ecosystem.

WASM Integration: Utilizing WebAssembly for job verifiability and efficient job processing.

Private NuNet Networks: Developing specialized networks for specific use-cases.

Architecture Level: Enabling Beneficial Services

At the architectural level, NuNet Research is focused on the integration and enablement of beneficial services. This includes:

Data Provisioning: Facilitating secure and efficient data access and sharing within the network.

Service-Oriented Architecture: Developing a flexible and scalable framework to support a wide range of decentralized applications and services.

A Future Shaped by Innovation

NuNet Research represents our commitment to continuous innovation and improvement. By focusing on these key areas, we aim to not only enhance our platform but also to contribute significantly to the broader field of decentralized computing. We invite our community to join us on this exciting journey as we explore new horizons and redefine what is possible in the world of decentralized technology.

Stay tuned for updates on the progress and breakthroughs from NuNet Research, where we’re building the decentralized future, today.

NuNet Is Hiring!

NuNet currently has a number of open positions for various roles within the team. If you have the skills and desire to join us in our journey, you can find more information and contact us through our career page.

About NuNet

NuNet lets anyone share and monetize their computing resources, turning cloud computing power from a centralized service into an open protocol powered by blockchain. Find out more via:

