NuNet Technical Roadmap Update 2024

Jennifer Bourke
Published in
12 min readFeb 15, 2024
NuNet Technical Roadmap Update 2024

Dear Community,

As we enter into 2024 we wanted to provide our community with detailed and transparent updates on NuNet’s technical journey. In 2023, NuNet made significant progress in developing our underlying technology and operations. We have meticulously structured our operations, continued building a team of highly motivated and skilled professionals, and refined our product development model. Our strategies, tailored to adapt to the ever-evolving industry and market conditions, have set the stage for the milestones we aim to achieve this year.

The previous year was a crucial phase in our evolution. While we made significant strides in technology and operations, we also faced the complexities inherent in pioneering a new realm of decentralized computing. This has led to a necessary recalibration of our timelines, particularly concerning the Public Alpha launch. Initially scheduled over a year ago, we have made the tough decision to extend the launch to the end of 2024.

Despite the revised timeline for our Public Alpha, NuNet’s progress has continued with unwavering determination. In lieu of traditional partnerships, we’ve seen a surge of interest from web2 companies looking to deploy pilot projects on our platform. This interest has been particularly fueled by the boom in Large Language Models (LLMs), prompting us to re-prioritize our efforts to support this rapidly growing area.

As we introduce the NuNet 2024 Technical Roadmap, we are committed to addressing the Public Alpha delay with full transparency and to highlighting the exciting opportunities that have emerged in parallel. The active interest and pilot deployments by web2 companies are not just testaments to our platform’s capabilities but are also accelerating the utility of the NTX token, ahead of our full mainnet release.

These endeavors underscore the versatility of NuNet’s platform and its readiness to support real-world applications, providing a glimpse into the future of decentralized computing and the growing value proposition of the NTX token.

In addition to this blog we will also host a live AMA on Friday 23rd February 11am UTC with NuNet CEO Kabir Veitas on our YouTube channel to give our community a chance to ask questions in relation to the new technical roadmap.

Reflecting on 2023: A Year of Learning, Adapting, and Advancing

As we navigated through the year, our journey was characterized by a blend of challenges and achievements that have not only shaped our present but will also define our trajectory for the future. Here’s a closer look at the key areas of our focus over the past year:

Technical Development: Embracing Challenges and Learning

We have gained invaluable insights, later explained in detail, and reached critical decisions that are poised to significantly benefit NuNet in the long run. Our commitment to overcoming these technical hurdles has strengthened our foundation and sharpened our vision for a decentralized computing platform that is both innovative and resilient.

Use-Case Partnerships: Bridging Web3 and Web2 Worlds

In 2023, we also ventured into establishing use-case partnerships across the web3 and web2 domains. These collaborations have been enlightening, revealing that the current prominence of web2 necessitates a hybrid model approach for NuNet, to be discussed later in this blog. This insight has been crucial in shaping our strategy, allowing us to tailor our platform to serve the needs of a broader audience effectively. By integrating the strengths of both web3 and web2, we are setting the stage for a platform that is versatile, accessible, and capable of driving real-world utility.

Community Development: Enhancing Engagement and Processes

Community development has always been at the center of NuNet’s ethos. This year, we took significant strides in enhancing our community engagement practices. By refining our internal and external processes, including project management, documentation, and specification systems, we have laid a solid groundwork for a more involved and empowered community. These systems, all publicly accessible, are part of our broader effort to ensure transparency, collaboration, and inclusivity. As we move forward, these initiatives will be highlighted as key components of our marketing and communication roadmap, emphasizing our commitment to building a community that is actively engaged in shaping the future of NuNet.

Looking Ahead

As we reflect on the year’s journey, it’s clear that 2023 has been a year of substantial learning and adaptation. With the insights gained and the foundations laid, we are more prepared than ever to embark on the next phase of our journey. Our focus on technical innovation, strategic partnerships, and community engagement will continue to guide us as we strive to realize the vision of NuNet — a decentralized computing network that is ready to meet the demands of the future.

Update on Public Alpha on Mainnet

As we navigate the intricate journey of innovation and development at NuNet, it is imperative to address one of the most anticipated aspects of our roadmap — the Public Alpha on mainnet launch. Originally scheduled for a much earlier release, the timeline has been extended to the end of 2024. This section aims to provide a transparent and thorough explanation of the factors contributing to this delay.

Our decision to postpone the Public Alpha is not one taken lightly. It stems from a deep-rooted commitment to ensuring that when we do launch, we offer a platform that is not just groundbreaking but also robust, secure, and fully capable of delivering on the promises we have made to our community.

In the following paragraphs, we will outline the key reasons for this postponement, including the challenges we faced and the strategic decisions we have made to overcome them. This is a candid insight into the workings of NuNet, our dedication to excellence, and our unwavering commitment to the community that stands with us and commitments made in our Whitepaper 2.0.

Security Enhancements

The hybrid model architecture, elaborated upon later in this blog, distinguishes between Public Alpha Solutions and Public Alpha Mainnet milestones, which are mostly related to security architecture and roadmap. Following that, we separately consider two aspects of overall security — a) platform security (to be tackled within Public Alpha Solutions release) and b) blockchain/smart contract security (to be tackled within Public Alpha Mainnet release).

The aspect that we call platform security encompasses all off-chain components of NuNet and the needs of decentralized workflow, including securing host machines from runtimes and the algorithms running on them, protecting containers, virtual machines and algorithms from host machines, providing encryption of data at rest and in transfer. The sub-aspect of platform security is privacy and separation of some workflows — which includes private networks, access to private telemetry, etc.

Blockchain and smart contract security relates to secure blockchain integration and the secure smart contract implementation for settling transactions between constituents of the network. Needless to say that it is very much related to platform security, as blockchain security is a part of the overall security architecture.

Decentralized Workflow Complexities

Decentralized compute workflows require different computing models from the centralized workflows. Security aspects, discussed above, are mostly affected by the decentralized workflows. An important concept here is the ‘Zero Trust’ paradigm, which we implement in NuNet. Zero Trust is a security concept that challenges the traditional model of trust within a network. Instead of assuming that everything inside a corporate network is safe, Zero Trust assumes that no entity, whether inside or outside the network, should be trusted by default. It advocates for continuous verification and authentication of users and devices, regardless of their location or network connection. Zero Trust is built on several key principles, including identity verification, last privileges, micro-segmentation, continuous monitoring and device / process health verification, encryption, policy based access controls, assumptions of breach as well as user education and awareness.Our revised technical roadmap aims to tackle all these aspects.

Our partnership with Obsidian Systems is aimed at tapping into the world’s best expertise for solving technical challenges related to above security aspects.

Technical Roadmap 2024

NuNet Technical Roadmap 2024

Adjusting Course for 2024

In the realm of pioneering decentralized compute processing with other projects in the space, NuNet is continually faced with a number of complex challenges. These challenges have served as catalysts for innovation and strategic evolution. In this section, we delve into the strategies that NuNet has engaged with to navigate and manage these complexities.

Our approach has been multifaceted, encompassing not only technical solutions but also collaborative and operational strategies. One among these is our work with Obsidian, which has been instrumental in refining our approach to developing a secure platform. This collaboration represents a melding of expertise and vision, leading to enhanced security measures and a more robust platform architecture. Other ones are less observable externally, but equally important and include test management, community development programme tooling enhancements, live documentation and specification infrastructure enhancements, constant presence in open source software space, learning and contributing to it — all of which took somewhat longer to structure and implement, but are crucial for leveraging the power of large scale collaboration. In 2023, NuNet joined initiatives of collaborative development around distributed computing, notably the Compute Over Data Working Group. In 2023 we have been working on putting technical and managerial background for such collaborations which we expect to come to fruition Q1 and Q2 2024.

This is a continuation of our use-case based platform development model, both introduced in Whitpaper 2.0 as well as in early 2022 posts. Hybrid model architecture is the adaptation of the model to the learnings of 2023 as well as new developments in AI, computing and Web3 landscapes.

In addition to these technical strategies, we have placed a strong emphasis on community involvement and development. By strengthening our community development program and introducing initiatives like bounties, we are fostering an environment of collaboration and shared progress.

NuNet Solutions Introduction

As we have learned in 2023, web2 companies are very interested to deploy pilots and use NuNet’s decentralized infrastructure but are reluctant (or even refuse) to enter into crypto payments due to legal uncertainties in certain jurisdictions. Therefore, the goal of NuNet Solutions is to provide a specific service to Web2 institutions and organizations: help them onboard on the NuNet platform, use it, while NuNet Solutions takes care of the payment flows towards the compute providers. A separate blog providing more details will follow as we progress with pilot deployments.

NuNet solutions will be a foundational milestone towards the Public Alpha on mainnet release as shown in the graphics below.

NuNet Solutions

Serverless Deployment with Adaptability

The NuNet platform operates with the option to turn on/off the tokenomics layer for private deployments, essentially providing a serverless deployment environment. This configuration allows businesses to utilize the distributed computing capabilities of NuNet without mandating the use of crypto-micropayment services layer, whilst NuNet Solutions handles all NTX payment flows towards the compute providers. This approach is ideal for businesses that are either unfamiliar with or currently unable to integrate cryptocurrency transactions into their operations.

Transitioning to a Token-Payment Structure

As depicted in the roadmap, our vision for the future includes a fully decentralized platform operational with a token payment system by Q4 2024. This strategic move will enable us to cater to businesses ready to embrace the full spectrum of decentralized services, including crypto-micropayments, for their serverless computing needs.

A Platform for Now and the Future

NuNet’s hybrid model is a testament to our adaptive approach. By offering a service that can function with or without the tokenomics layer, we provide businesses, non-profits, universities etc with the flexibility to join the decentralized revolution at their pace. For those not yet ready for the crypto layer, the platform delivers substantial benefits over traditional compute models, such as enhanced scalability, reduced costs, and increased efficiency, ability to run private encrypted workflows utilizing Zero Trust security architecture (summarized above) internally.

Our commitment to serving a broad spectrum of business needs is reflected in the roadmap, where the initial onboarding of web2 companies in Q2 2024 sets the stage for the gradual transition to a fully decentralized model. This phased approach ensures that all businesses, regardless of their current technological capabilities or understanding of blockchain and cryptocurrencies, can benefit from the advancements of NuNet’s platform.

In summary, NuNet’s hybrid business model is a bridge between the current web2 infrastructure and the future of web3 innovation. It is designed to meet businesses where they are, offering a powerful, flexible solution that grows alongside their evolving needs and readiness for decentralized compute processing.

Roadmap Milestones (Gitlab)

Architecture update (DMS re-factoring)

The major technical step in achieving the hybrid model as presented below, is the update and re-factoring of the main platform component — device-management-service, based on learnings of 2023, challenges and identified technical opportunities in the decentralized computing space. This work will be carried out in parallel with pursuing the hybrid model and is expected to be finished Q1 or early Q2. We also aim to release Whitepaper 3.0 explaining the platform architecture and model in detail, considering learnings and work done over the two years of development.

See the milestone deliverables here.

Finishing Decentralized SPO use-case

Back in 2022, NuNet received a grant from Cardano Catalyst Fund 7 for implementation of a solution that enables it to run Cardano Stake Pool Operators on NuNet network. With each project applying for a grant we attach a commitment to finish it from our own resources in case of unforeseen hiccups or technical difficulties — which happened in this case. Nevertheless, we are committed to our direction to allow Cardano (and potentially other blockchains) to run on decentralized compute infrastructure and it is time to consolidate all learnings and finish what was promised. We have learned from this project about particulars and challenges of operating Cardano (as well as other blockchains) nodes in a Decentralized Physical Infrastructure Networks (DePIN). This influenced our decisions related to architecture update and DMS refactoring. As the two milestones are related, we aim to finish the Decentralized SPO project in Q2 2024.

See the milestone deliverables here.

Public Alpha Solutions

NuNet’s hybrid business model is a forward-thinking approach designed to cater to the evolving needs of both web2 and web3 ecosystems.

This model provides the flexibility for serverless deployment on NuNet’s robust platform while temporarily redirecting the crypto-micropayment layer, thereby reducing the entry barriers for Web2.0 businesses, organizations, institutions, etc.

This strategic model is especially pertinent given the rising demand for Large Language Models (LLMs), positioning NuNet as a pivotal player in supporting and driving the adoption of advanced computational models, while progressively enhancing the utility of the NTX token in anticipation of the full mainnet release. In the interim, NuNet Solutions will provide organic demand for the NTX utility token via pilot deployments.

See the milestone deliverables here.

Public Alpha on Mainnet

Public Alpha on mainnet will incorporate all the above functionalities with the crypto-micropayments layer handling all payments using the native NTX on Cardano mainnet. At this time, anyone will be able to order jobs or provide computing power to participate in the NuNet ecosystem.

See the milestone deliverables here.

Strengthening our Community Development

At the heart of NuNet’s innovation and growth lies our vibrant community. Recognizing the invaluable role our community plays, we are dedicated to not only maintaining but significantly enhancing the level of community involvement and engagement. This section outlines our comprehensive plans for fostering a more connected and collaborative NuNet community.

Central to our approach is the expansion of our community development program. We believe that by empowering our community members, we can unlock a wealth of creativity and innovation that aligns with NuNet’s vision. To this end, we are introducing a series of initiatives designed to engage, motivate, and reward our community.

Key among these initiatives is the introduction of a Earndrop bounty program. This program is tailored to encourage community members to contribute directly to the development and refinement of NuNet’s platform, offering rewards for their valuable contributions. Whether it’s through identifying bugs, proposing features, or assisting in the development of new applications, each contribution is a step towards a more robust and dynamic NuNet.

Additionally, we are committed to enhancing our development programs, providing educational resources, and organizing workshops and webinars. These programs are aimed at nurturing skills and knowledge in decentralized computing, fostering a community that is not only supportive but also well-informed and technically adept. A more detailed blog and community roadmap will be released soon detailing the steps NuNet is taking to empower our community.


As we conclude this update we eagerly anticipate the upcoming AMA session with CEO Kabir Veitas, promising deeper insights and direct engagement with our community. Get your questions in before 11am UTC 23rd February 2024. The path ahead is shaped by the lessons learned, the partnerships developed, and the unwavering support of our community. Together, we’re steering towards a future where NuNet’s integration of cutting-edge technologies leads the charge in decentralized computing. Thank you to everyone who’s joined us on this journey. Your support and engagement are the driving forces behind NuNet’s progress.

