Understanding the Device Management System (DMS) Refactoring

Jennifer Bourke
Published in
3 min readMay 30, 2024
Understanding the Device Management System (DMS) Refactoring


This blog provides an overview of our ongoing project to refactor the Device Management System (DMS). The goal is to streamline the system’s architecture, enhance scalability and maintainability, and better integrate emerging technologies.

System Overview

The DMS orchestrates the configuration, management, and operation of devices. It integrates various functionalities categorized into several components, each responsible for distinct aspects of the system:

  • DMS Core: The central hub that initializes and manages the system’s basic operations.
  • Config Module: Manages system settings dynamically, affecting runtime behavior without altering codebases.
  • Database Module: Facilitates data persistence, enabling efficient data retrieval and storage.
  • Blockchain Module: Ensures secure and verifiable transactions and operations, enhancing the system’s integrity.

Refactoring Objectives

The refactoring process focuses on the following objectives:

  • Modularity: Breaking down the system into well-defined, independent modules for easier maintenance and scalability.
  • Decoupling: Reducing dependencies between modules to enhance flexibility and ease of updates.
  • Enhanced Security: Integrating advanced security protocols, especially in blockchain operations.
  • Performance Optimization: Streamlining operations to improve response times and resource utilization.

Architectural Changes

1. Modularization

  • Storage Management: Transition to a more flexible storage module to support various storage options (local, IPFS, AWS S3).
  • Job Orchestration: A new orchestrator module will manage the lifecycle and execution of jobs across the system.

2. API and Command Line Tools (CMD)

  • API Enhancements: Refactor the API layer to support RESTful services and potentially RPC for more complex interactions.
  • CMD Refinements: Extend the CMD tools to cover more functionalities and improve user interaction.

3. Network and Executor Modules

  • Network Operations: Generalize the network module to support various networking protocols, ensuring robust peer-to-peer communications.
  • Executor Framework: Standardize the executor interface to accommodate different runtime environments like Docker and JVM.

Development Guide

Setting Up the Development Environment

  • Dependencies: Ensure all required software and libraries are installed. This includes Docker, Node.js, and relevant database management systems.
  • Local Setup: Clone the repository and set up the local development environment using the provided Docker containers.

Contribution Guidelines

  • Code Contributions: Follow the repository’s contribution guidelines, including code style, commit messages, and pull requests.
  • Testing: Write and run unit tests for new code and changes to existing code to ensure stability and functionality.

Building on the Platform

  • Creating New Modules: When adding new features, encapsulate them in modules, interfacing with the core system through well-defined APIs.
  • Integrating Third-Party Services: Use the integration module to connect to external services, ensuring they comply with the system’s security and data handling standards.

Future Directions

  • Artificial Intelligence Integration: Explore integrating AI for predictive maintenance and advanced device management.
  • Blockchain Expansion: Expand blockchain functionalities to include more cryptocurrencies and smart contract capabilities.


The refactoring of the DMS is a crucial step towards a more robust, scalable, and secure system. By adhering to the architectural guidelines and contributing to the development process.

About NuNet

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