Introducing NuoX — A Secure Crypto-to-Crypto Exchange

Siddharth Verma
Nuo Network
Published in
3 min readMay 4, 2018

What is NuoX?

NuoX is a tool which enables you to convert your existing crypto currencies into other supported crypto currencies and store it in your secure wallet.

How to trade on NuoX?

Convert your crypto currencies in 3 simple steps:

  1. Select the crypto currency you want to exchange from and to, and enter the amount. You will be able to check the currently prevailing rate of exchange as well.
  2. Review and confirm your exchange details. Optionally, you can also edit the fee you want to pay to transfer the funds.
  3. Your work is done. The app will notify you once the exchange is complete.

Which are the currency pairs supported?

At launch, we have added support for the following pairs:




What this means is that you can exchange your BTC into BCH, LTC and BTG on our platform.

We are going to continuously add currency pairs at a very fast pace. Do follow the updates in our Telegram group.

How do you benefit from NuoX?

Since you will be able to convert your existing cryptocurrencies into others in an instant, NuoX enables you to do short term as well as long term trading. What’s more is that as soon as that deposit your cryptocurrency into the Nuo wallet, you will receive 50 Nuocoins as an incentive for being the early adopter of the platform.

How is it better than the other exchanges?

At Nuo, there is no hassle of transferring your funds by manually entering any wallet addresses. All these complications are taken care of by the Nuo platform automatically. The Nuo app only shows what matters the most to you and in fact, notifies you during the various stages of the exchange.

Furthermore, we constantly ensure that the exchange rates provided are the most competitive in the market.

What about the decentralised exchange?

We are working on the decentralised exchange in the background. We are working on enabling it via the 0x protocol. While the 0x protocol becomes more stable and gets more liquidity for users to get the market prevailing exchange rates constantly, we have enabled our users to start exchanging their coins on NuoX.

What else is in this release?

We have added support for Bitcoin Gold in this release. Presently, our app supports BTC, BCH, LTC and BTG. We will be adding many more soon.

Also, you can now set a custom fee for any transactions that you make on the app. We had received a lot of feedback for the default transaction fee being higher than normal. This should resolve that pain point.

What’s next for Nuo?

At Nuo, we strive to bring the best crypto banking experience for our users. We will be next adding the following features:

  1. Add support for a lot more ERC20 tokens in the app.
  2. Add support for a lot more crypto-to-crypto exchange pairs in the app.
  3. Add support for enabling users to retain your own private keys to ensure further security.
  4. Bring the lending product into the mobile app for an extremely seamless experience for lenders and borrowers and move it out of the test network.
  5. Open APIs to support the crypto community.
  6. Many more exciting features to come. Stay tuned.

Any modern bank needs to serve the 4 basic functions: store funds safely, make payments easy, enable investments and provide credit. And for a modern crypto bank specifically, these functions become extremely crucial in their own ways. Currencies are plenty, payment systems are cumbersome, investment options are extremely tricky and one can hardly find credit in the market of cryptocurrencies. These are the major issues that we, at Nuo, are striving to solve for our users.

