Duck-Hee Kang

Nurse Educator & Researcher

Joanna Seltzer Uribe
Nurses You Should Know
3 min readMay 18, 2021


Duck-Hee Kang was born in 1947. She earned her Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees in nursing from Yonsei University College of Nursing in Seoul, Korea, and her PhD from the University of Wisconsin-Madison in the joint major of Physiological Psychology and Nursing. Her research focused on biobehavioral research, particularly in the area of psychoneuroimmunology and spanned topics such as diabetes, cancer, asthma, stress, pediatrics, caregivers, behavioral health, immune responses, and the nursing workforce. A prolific writer, she published over 30 articles which have been cited over 1400 times, read by over 12,000, and was also inducted as a Fellow of the American Academy of Nursing (FAAN).

Photo source from Dignity Memorial

Dr. Kang was a faculty member at Schools of Nursing in University of Alabama-Birmingham, Ohio State University, and University of Wisconsin-Madison and most recently as a Lee and Joseph D. Jamail Distinguished Professor at The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston School of Nursing. She was selected was among the 20 Outstanding Nurses of 2014 to be honored by the Texas Nurses Association for her outstanding research mentorship of junior faculty, especially in the area of biobehavioral research. She also served as the President of the Global Korean Nursing Foundation (GKNF)-USA. She passed away on September 20, 2016 from an illness. Please acquaint yourself with her numerous publications so her legacy and contributions to nursing research may endure or read the sentiments posted by her nursing colleagues on her memorial page here.

Further Reading:

To learn more about nursing education and Korea, read here.

Learn about the Global Korean Nursing Foundation here.

To support Asian Americans for Equality, click here.


We sourced information for the story above from Texas Medical Center, ResearchGate, and the Global Korean Nursing Foundation.

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To learn more about inclusion in nursing and be part of the national discussion to address racism in nursing, check out and share the following resources:

Know Your History

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  • NurseManifest to attend live zoom sessions with fellow nurses on nursing’s overdue reckoning on racism or to sign their pledge.
  • Breaking Bias in Healthcare, an online course created by scientist Anu Gupta, to learn how bias is related to our brain’s neurobiology and can be mitigated with mindfulness.
  • Revolutionary Love Learning Hub provides free tools for learners and educators to use love as fuel towards ourselves, our opponents, and to others so that we can embody a world where we see no strangers.

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Joanna Seltzer Uribe
Nurses You Should Know

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