Fallon Lopez

Wellness Coach and Critical Care Nurse

Ravenne Aponte
Nurses You Should Know
3 min readJul 10, 2021


Fallon Lopez grew up in the city of Houston, Texas. She is the oldest of three siblings and has never been shy in front of the camera. Her first hobby was songwriting. Fallon always knew she wanted to help others but was not sure how to pursue that passion until she had a conversation with her father. “Mija, you should be a nurse” he told her and from there she dived head first into the unknown.

Photo provided by Fallon Lopez

This was not exactly what she pictured for her life, but when entering nursing as a Licensed Vocational Nurse happened, she quickly adapted to the fast pace learning environment. Being stretched and challenged is what encouraged her to think further about her career as an LVN. One of the pivotal points in her career was going back to school for her BSN, RN and really shining as a smart and intuitive student. She graduated from Prairie View A&M University in Prairie View, Texas. Imposter syndrome was something she struggled with throughout school even as a new nurse on the IMU floor where she blossomed into the skilled nurse she is now. Critical care is where she saw the huge benefit of lifestyle changes for her patients as well as for her colleagues. “Nurses know how to take care of everyone else but when it comes to our own health and healing we drop the ball and I am guilty of it too!”, Fallon says. This was the wake up call she needed.

“Nurses work long hours, have heavy patient loads, use a lot of critical thinking skills, we need to protect our tools of the trade! Our health should be number one!”. -Fallon Lopez

This realization of how even more powerful nurses can be if they come from a place of health and healing for themselves, motivated her to get certified as a personal trainer and Wellness coach. Soon her vision emerged! “As I started to take care of myself even better while learning about Wellness, I gained clarity!”, she says. R You Well? LLC was born, she also created a support group for other nurses to learn more about whole body health and holistic lifestyle changes, it’s called the Nurse Wellness Community. She is also growing in her Nursing career and has transitioned into becoming a full time Pre-Renal Transplant coordinator where she does education on lifestyle changes for those patients affected with chronic illness.

View Fallon’s Nurses You Should Know video here.

Listen to her guest feature on Mindfully Integrative podcast.

Connect with her on Facebook, LinkedIn, YouTube, or Instagram.


We sourced the above information from Fallon Lopez and LinkedIn.

Learn More

To learn more about inclusion in nursing and be part of the national discussion to address racism in nursing, check out and share the following resources:

Know Your History

Examine Bias

  • NurseManifest to attend live zoom sessions with fellow nurses on nursing’s overdue reckoning on racism or to sign their pledge.
  • Breaking Bias in Healthcare, an online course created by scientist Anu Gupta, to learn how bias is related to our brain’s neurobiology and can be mitigated with mindfulness.

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Ravenne Aponte
Nurses You Should Know

Nurse and PhD student studying the history of nursing. “We must go back to our roots in order to move forward.”