About me

Nurshaun’s Blog
Published in
1 min readJan 8, 2018

My name is Nurshaun, and I am currently working as a researcher in Abu Dhabi, UAE.

I was born and raised in Dubai, UAE, and my parents hail from South India. I attended school here in Dubai, returning to India for my undergrad studies, and then back to Abu Dhabi for my Masters. And thats where I am currently, having finished my Masters and trying to figure out what comes next.

My research is regarding membrane science, desalination and water treatment, with some 3D printing sprinkled in. I am a voracious reader and consumer of tv shows and movies. I also enjoy trying out new restaurants and cafes, and Dubai has no scarcity of those these days. I also hope to be doing a lot more travelling in the near future.

I will keep updating this section as the blog grows and finds direction. For now, do follow and stay up to date, I wont disappoint!

