A Publication for Nurses — and Their Fans!

Welcome to Nursing Notes

Barb Dalton
Nursing Notes


Nurses have one of the most rewarding yet physically and emotionally challenging jobs. Nursing Notes is a publication to showcase the beauty of our profession to inspire and educate fellow nurses from all around the world.

Not a nurse? Your stories are still welcome! Maybe you had an amazing experience being cared for by a nurse or saw the kindness and capabilities of one who was minding a sick relative? Perhaps you have a friend who is a nurse and a story she shared impacted you?

Not a nurse? Your stories are still welcome!

Many of us have had to spend time in the hospital, whether it’s to give birth, address an illness or injury or support a loved one. Some of you are caregivers to your parents, a partner or a chronically ill child.

Tell us about a fantastic experience being cared for by a nurse or the highs and lows you’ve experienced either minding a loved or witnessing their experiences during illness.I want to hear your stories!

Please review the submission details outlined here:




Barb Dalton
Nursing Notes

Mum to 3 humans; Cat lover. A Kiwi-Canuck. Nursing Instructor by day; rants and reminisces by night. Owner of Nursing Notes and a proud Booster of A+ stories