Calling All Nurses, Caregivers — and Their Fans!

I want to hear your stories (updated September 7, 2024)

Barb Dalton
Nursing Notes


Image by ivabalk from Pixabay

Nursing Notes is a publication for nurses, caregivers and their fans. I welcome writers to submit their health-related stories that have a personal touch to the publication.

What to write about

Nurses are fortunate to work in a diverse, multicultural profession. Wherever you live, whatever your job entails, share your caring moments with us.

We face many challenges and rewards in our day-to-day work; moments of frustration, gratitude and mirth. We are selfless, committed and passionate. We are jugglers, advocates, organizers, shoulders, ears — and targets.

Regardless of our personal lives, despite running on empty, ingratitude or hostility, we show up and care for perfect strangers 365 days a year, 24/7.

Share these moments with the focus of your writing being a therapeutic and positive way for you to reflect on your work. Moments that made you laugh or cry.; times that you didn't think you'd make it through a shift or inspired you to do better, the differences and experiences working in other countries.

Showcase the beauty of caregiving through your words.

Not a nurse? Your



Barb Dalton
Nursing Notes

Mum to 3 humans; Cat lover. A Kiwi-Canuck. Nursing Instructor by day; rants and reminisces by night. Owner of Nursing Notes and a proud Booster of A+ stories